01. API TOPCAT Bright Stars Color-Magnitude Diagram Tutorial (beginner)

Contact authors: Douglas Tucker and Leanne Guy

Last verified to run: 2023-11-30

Targeted learning level: beginner

Introduction: This tutorial uses the TOPCAT Virtual Observatory interface to search for bright stars in a small region of sky and create a color-magnitude diagram. This is the same demonstration used to illustrate the Table Access Protocol (TAP) service in the Notebook tutorial, Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks for Data Preview 0.2 and in the Portal tutorial, 01. Bright Stars Color-Magnitude Diagram (beginner).

TOPCAT is a very powerful interactive graphical tool with many useful features – too many to cover in any detail here – and beginner-level TOPCAT users looking for a more general overview of these features should refer to the TOPCAT documentation.

It should be noted that all the functionality demonstrated in Examples 1, 2, and 3 below – i.e., all but the interactive 3D plots of Example 4 – is possible via the RSP Portal Aspect (see Portal tutorials).

It should also be noted that the following examples build upon each other; so the user is encouraged to go through them in order.

Example 1. Run a simple query

The main goal of this example is to run a simple and quick TAP server query of the DP0.2 dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object table and examine the returned results.

1.1. Follow the steps in Get started with TOPCAT for accessing DP0.2 from TOPCAT. At the end of these steps, there should be 2 TOPCAT windows open – the main TOPCAT window and a “Table Access Protocol (TAP) Query” window – like in the following figure. (Note that the TOPCAT windows or components within the windows can be resized by clicking and dragging window corners or component edges.)

A screenshot of the Table Access Protocol (TAP) Query window in front of the main TOPCAT window. The Table Access Protocol (TAP) Query window shows three panels, stacked vertically.  The top panel is the Metadata panel, and it shows the `dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object` table highlighted in blue within the list of DP0.1 and DP0.2 schemas and tables in the left sub-panel, and a list of names, types, units, index checkboxes, and descriptions for each column of the `dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object` table in the right sub-panel. The middle panel is the Service Capabilities panel, and it shows that the available Query Language is ADQL-2.0.  The bottom panel is the ADQL Text panel, and it indicates the current Mode is Synchronous; the bottom panels text box is currently empty.

Figure 1: The Table Access Protocol (TAP) Query window with the main TOPCAT window in the background.

1.2. Prepare a simple ADQL spatial query to return a small set of values from the dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object table. Specifically, create an ADQL query that returns coord_ra, coord_dec, detect_isPrimary, r_calibFlux, r_cModelFlux, and r_extendedness for the first 10 dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object entries found within a 0.1-degree radius circle centered at (RA,DEC)=(62,-37), which is near the center of the DP0.2 sky projection.

        coord_ra, coord_dec, detect_isPrimary,
        r_calibFlux, r_cModelFlux, r_extendedness
FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object
WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec),
                CIRCLE('ICRS', 62, -37, 0.1)) = 1

1.3. Copy and paste the above query into the “ADQL Text” panel of the “Table Access Protocol (TAP) Query” window, and then click the “Run Query” button at the bottom of this window.

A screenshot of the Table Access Protocol (TAP) Query window. A list of DP0.2 tables is shown in the top, Metadata panel. A simple ADQL query is shown in the bottom, ADQL Text panel. A blue rectangle highlights the ADQL Text panel. A blue oval highlights the Run Query button. The ADQL Text panel and the "Run Query" button are highlighted with a blue rectangle and a blue oval, respectively.

Figure 2: The Table Access Protocol (TAP) Query window with the ADQL query from Step 1.2 entered into its ADQL Text panel. The ADQL Text panel and the “Run Query” button are highlighted with a blue rectangle and a blue oval, respectively.

1.4. Find the table of results in the “Table List” panel of the main TOPCAT window, and then click on the “Display table cell data” icon. It is the 4th icon from the left in the row of icons at the top of the main TOPCAT window (it looks like a table with the first row and first column grayed out).

A screenshot of the main TOPCAT window.  It is composed of four main parts. 1. A row of icons along the top of the window.  2. A Table List panel on the left of the window; this currently shows one table, called TAP_1_dp02_dc02_catalogs.Object, and it is highlighted.  3. A Current Table Properties panel on the right of the window. 4. A small SAMP panel just below the Current Table Properties panel. The "Display table cell data" icon is indicated by a blue circle.

Figure 3: The main TOPCAT window with the newly created table – which is holding the results from the ADQL – highlighted in blue in the Table List panel. The “Display table cell data” icon is indicated by a blue circle.

1.5. View the contents of the TOPCAT Table Browser window that has opened. For this simple query, there are only 10 entries; the whole content of this table is visible. For larger tables, vertical and horizontal scrollbars appear that permit viewing other parts of the table.

A screenshot of a Table Browser window.  It shows the contents of Table 1, called TAP_1_dp02_dc02_catalogs.Object.

Figure 4: he Table Browser Window, showing the contents of the newly created table.

Example 2. Run a more detailed query

The main goal of this example is to create a simple color-magnitude diagram for the 10000 bright point sources (mostly stars) returned from a TAP server query of the DP0.2 dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object table. This will involve creating new columns based on the columns returned by the query, as well as learning some basic TOPCAT plotting routines.

2.1. Delete the ADQL in the “ADQL Text” panel from Example 1, replace it with the following ADQL, and click the “Run Query” button. This query will return the coord_ra, coord_dec, and the (u,g,r,i,z,y) calibFlux and calibFluxErr columns for the top 10000 entries returned from the dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object table for bright (>360 nJy), non-extended (star-like) primary objects within 1 degree of (RA,DEC)=(62,-37).

        coord_ra, coord_dec,
        u_calibFlux, u_calibFluxErr,
        g_calibFlux, g_calibFluxErr,
        r_calibFlux, r_calibFluxErr,
        i_calibFlux, i_calibFluxErr,
        z_calibFlux, z_calibFluxErr,
        y_calibFlux, y_calibFluxErr
FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object
WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec),
                CIRCLE('ICRS', 62, -37, 1.0)) = 1
        AND detect_isPrimary = 1
        AND u_calibFlux > 360
        AND g_calibFlux > 360
        AND r_calibFlux > 360
        AND i_calibFlux > 360
        AND z_calibFlux > 360
        AND y_calibFlux > 360
        AND u_extendedness = 0
        AND g_extendedness = 0
        AND r_extendedness = 0
        AND i_extendedness = 0
        AND z_extendedness = 0
        AND y_extendedness = 0

2.2. This is a longer query than the previous one. While the query is running, this temporary TOPCAT “Load New Table” window will pop up. (It will close once the query completes.)

A screenshot of the Load New Table window. It indicates that a new table, called TAP_1_dp02_dc02_catalogs.Object, is being loaded into TOPCAT.

Figure 5: The “Load New Table” window. It will open automatically while the query is running and close when the query finishes.

2.3. Note that, once the query completes, there is a second table in the “Table List” panel of the main TOPCAT window. Now, ensure that the new table is highlighted in the “Table List” panel, and, like in Step 1.4 of Example 1, click on the “Display table cell data” icon.

A screenshot of the main TOPCAT window.  It is composed of four main parts. 1. A row of icons along the top of the window.  2. A Table List panel on the left of the window; this currently shows two tables, called TAP_1_dp02_dc02_catalogs.Object and TAP_1_dp02_dc02_catalogs.Object; the second table is highlighted. 3. A Current Table Properties panel on the right of the window. 4. A small SAMP panel just below the Current Table Properties panel. The "Display table cell data" icon is indicated by a blue circle.

Figure 6: The main TOPCAT window with the newly created table highlighted in gray in the Table List panel. The “Display table cell data” icon is indicated by a blue circle.

2.4. View the contents of the TOPCAT Table Browser window that has opened. Unlike the table from Example 1, this is a large table, and there are both horizontal and vertical scrollbars to permit the user to scroll to other parts of the table.

A screenshot of a Table Browser window.  It shows the contents of Table 2, called TAP_2_dp02_dc02_catalogs.Object.  This is a large table, and there are both horizontal and vertical scrollbars to permit the user to scroll to other parts of the table.

Figure 7: The Table Browser Window, showing the contents of the newly created table.

2.5. Click on the “Display column metadata” icon – the 6th icon from the left in the row of icons at the top of the main TOPCAT window (it looks like a table with the first row highlighted in blue). This will open up a “Table Columns” window.

A screenshot of the main TOPCAT window.  It is composed of four main parts. 1. A row of icons along the top of the window.  2. A Table List panel on the left of the window; this currently shows two tables, called TAP_1_dp02_dc02_catalogs.Object and TAP_1_dp02_dc02_catalogs.Object; the second table is highlighted. 3. A Current Table Properties panel on the right of the window. 4. A small SAMP panel just below the Current Table Properties panel. The  "Display column metadata" icon circled in blue.

Figure 8: The main TOPCAT window with the “Display column metadata” icon circled in blue.

2.6. Note the content of the “Table Columns” window. Each table column is listed, along with various information about that column – e.g., its name, the class and datatype of its contents, its units (if any), and its description (if any).

A screenshot of the Table Columns window. It lists the name the class, the datatype, and, if available, the units and description of each of the columns in the table.

Figure 9: The “Table Columns” window. The “Add column” icon – which will be used in the next step – is circled in blue.

2.7. Create a new column for the u-band AB magnitude. (Note that the AB Magnitudes Wikipedia page provides a concise resource for users who are unfamiliar with the AB magnitude system.)

  • Click on the “Add column” icon – the big green plus (“+”) sign that is the left-most icon in the top row of the Table Columns window from the previous step. This will open a “Define Synthetic Column” window.

  • Insert u_calibMag for the “Name” in the “Define Synthetic Column” window.

  • Insert the following equation – which converts fluxes in nanojanskys to AB magnitudes – for the “Expression” in the “Define Synthetic Column” window.

-2.5*log10(u_calibFlux) + 31.4
  • (Optional) Insert mag for the “Units” in the “Define Synthetic Column” window.

  • (Optional) Insert Apparent magnitude within 12.0-pixel aperture.  Measured on u-band. for the “Description” in the “Define Synthetic Column” window.

  • Click the “OK” button on the “Define Synthetic Column” window.

A screenshot of the Define Synthetic Column window. Shown are the user-input values for the name and the expression for the column.  In this particular case, the name is u_calibMag and the expression is the equation for converting flux in nano-janskys to AB magnitudes, where the flux is u_calibFlux.

Figure 10: The “Define Synthetic Column” window filled out for creating a u-band AB magnitude column.

2.8. Create a new column for the error in the u-band AB magnitude. Recall that magnitudes are are logarithmic quantities. For relatively small errors (less than about 10%) one can perform the propagation-of-errors analysis to find \(\sigma_\mathrm{mag} = (2.5/\ln(10.)) \times ( \sigma_\mathrm{flux} / \mathrm{flux} )\), which can be approximated as \(\sigma_\mathrm{mag} = 1.086 \times ( \sigma_\mathrm{flux} / \mathrm{flux} )\).

  • Insert u_calibMagErr for the “Name” in the “Define Synthetic Column” window.

  • Insert the following equation – which converts relative errors in flux to errors in magnitudes – for the “Expression” in the “Define Synthetic Column” window.

  • (Optional) Insert mag for the “Units” in the “Define Synthetic Column” window.

  • (Optional) Insert Error in the apparent magnitude within 12.0-pixel aperture.  Measured on u-band. for the “Description” in the “Define Synthetic Column” window.

  • Click the “OK” button on the “Define Synthetic Column” window.

A screenshot of the Define Synthetic Column window. Shown are the user-input values for the name and the expression for the column.  In this particular case, the name is u_calibMagErr and the expression is the equation for converting flux and error in the flux to error in magnitude.

Figure 11: The “Define Synthetic Column” window filled out for creating a u-band AB magnitude error column.

2.9. Note that each time a column is added, a column will appear in the “Table Columns” window.

A screenshot of the Table Columns window. It lists the name the class, the datatype, and, if available, the units and description of each of the columns in the table.  Here, it lists the original columns for Table 2 plus the two new u-band columns just added, u_calibMag and u_calibMagErr, and the expressions used to derive them.

Figure 12: The “Table Columns” window showing the new columns, u_calibMag and u_calibMagErr, at the bottom of the table column list.

2.10. Repeat Steps 2.6 and 2.7 for the other filter bands (g,r,i,z,y). After doing so, entries for all of these new columns will appear in the Table Columns window. For convenience, here are “copy-and-paste” versions of the equations for the AB magnitude and the AB magnitude error for each of the filter bands.

-2.5*log10(g_calibFlux) + 31.4
-2.5*log10(r_calibFlux) + 31.4
-2.5*log10(i_calibFlux) + 31.4
-2.5*log10(z_calibFlux) + 31.4
-2.5*log10(y_calibFlux) + 31.4
A screenshot of the Table Columns window. It lists the name the class, the datatype, and, if available, the units and description of each of the columns in the table.  Here, it lists the original columns for Table 2 plus the twelve new u-band columns just added, the calibrated magnitudes and magnitude errors for the 6 LSST filter passbands, as well as the expressions used to derive these newly derived quantities.  The new columns are highlighted in blue.

Figure 13: The “Table Columns” window showing all the new columns at the bottom of the table column list. The new columns are highlighted in blue.

2.11. Click on the “Display table cell data” icon in the main TOPCAT window (as in Step 2.3 above). The values for the new columns are now tabulated within the Table Browser along with the values from the original columns.

A screenshot of a Table Browser window.  It shows the contents of Table 2, called TAP_2_dp02_dc02_catalogs.Object, including the quantities just derived. This is a large table, and there are both horizontal and vertical scrollbars to permit the use to scroll to other parts of the table.

Figure 14: The Table Browser Window, showing the contents of the Example 2 table, including for the columns just created.

2.12. Return to the main TOPCAT window, ensure the table returned by the Example 2 query is highlighted in the “Table List” panel, and click on the “Plane plotting window” icon – the 11th icon from the left in the row of icons at the top of the main TOPCAT window (it looks like a blank X/Y plot).

A screenshot of the main TOPCAT window.  It is composed of four main parts. 1. A row of icons along the top of the window.  2. A Table List panel on the left of the window; this currently shows two tables, called TAP_1_dp02_dc02_catalogs.Object and TAP_1_dp02_dc02_catalogs.Object; the second table is highlighted. 3. A Current Table Properties panel on the right of the window. 4. A small SAMP panel just below the Current Table Properties panel. The Plane plotting window icon circled in blue.

Figure 15: The main TOPCAT window with the “Plane plotting window” icon circled in blue.

2.13. Note that TOPCAT has returned with a Plane Plot window, initially plotting the first 2 numerical columns from the table. In this case, these two columns are coord_ra and coord_dec; so the plot serves as a basic sky plot.

A screenshot of the Plane Plot window. It shows the RA, DEC positions of the 10000 objects from Table 2.  Due to the details of the ADQL query used to generate Table 2, all the points lie within a circle of diameter 1 degree.  Aside from the main plot panel, there are two other panels in the Plane Plot window.  1.  A small panel in the lower right with icons for Frame, Legend, Axes, STILTS, plus the name of the table from which the plotted data were taken.  2. A panel indicating the table name and the columns to be used for the X (RA) and Y (DEC) coordinates.

Figure 16: The Plane Plot window, plotting coord_dec vs. coord_ra for the 10000 star-like objects returned by the Example 2 ADQL query.

2.14. Replace coord_ra and coord_dec with r_calibMag - i_calibMag and g_calibMag in the “X” and “Y” windows, respectively. For convenience, here are “copy-and-paste” versions of these two coordinate expressions.

r_calibMag - i_calibMag

2.15. Examine the g_calibMag vs. r_calibMag - i_calibMag color magnitude diagram produced for this set of stars (and star-like objects).

A screenshot of the Plane Plot window. The chart shows a color magnitude diagram, g-band AB magnitude vs r-band minus i-band color, for the objects in Table 2. This example demonstrates how to quickly explore the data returned in the search query. The plot shows a large density of stars at low r-i color, and discrete bins at redder r-i color because the simulated data are based on discrete red stellar models that were used as input into DP0.2. Real data are expected to instead show a smooth distribution of colors.

Figure 17: The Plane Plot window, plotting g_calibMag vs. r_calibMag - i_calibMag for the 10000 star-like objects returned by the Example 2 ADQL query. (The “quantized” colors for objects with r_calibMag - i_calibMag > 0.6 are an artifact of the simulation upon which DP0.2 is based.)

2.16. Astronomers usually prefer to plot their color-magnitude diagrams with brighter (lower magnitude) objects at the top of the plot and fainter (higher magnitude) objects at the bottom. To adjust the plot to follow this convention, click on the “Axes” button in the lower-left panel of the “Plane Plot” window to flip the Y axis.

A screenshot of the Plane Plot window. The chart shows a color magnitude diagram, g-band AB magnitude vs r-band minus i-band color, for the objects in Table 2. In this rendition, the Y-axis has been flipped; so that bright stars (with small magnitudes) are near the top of the plot and faint stars (with large magnitudes) are near the bottom. This example demonstrates how to quickly explore the data returned in the search query. The plot shows a large density of stars at low r-i color, and discrete bins at redder r-i color because the simulated data are based on discrete red stellar models that were used as input into DP0.2. Real data are expected to instead show a smooth distribution of colors.

Figure 18: Same as previous plot, but with the y-axis flipped.

2.17. Finally, to guide the eye, add a grid to the plot. To do so, click on the “Grid” button at the top of the bottom-right panel of the “Plane Plot” window and check the “Draw Grid” option.

A screenshot of the Plane Plot window. The chart shows a color magnitude diagram, g-band AB magnitude versus r-band minus i-band color, for the objects in Table 2. In this rendition, the Y-axis has been flipped; so that bright stars (with small magnitudes) are near the top of the plot and faint stars (with large magnitudes) are near the bottom. In addition, a grid has been added to the plot. This example demonstrates how to quickly explore the data returned in the search query. The plot shows a large density of stars at low r-i color, and discrete bins at redder r-i color because the simulated data are based on discrete red stellar models that were used as input into DP0.2. Real data are expected to instead show a smooth distribution of colors.

Figure 19: Same as previous plot, but with a grid added.

2.18. (Optional) Explore! For example, try plotting the color magnitude diagrams for other filter passbands. How does the u_calibMag vs. r_calibMag - i_calibMag color magnitude diagram compare with the g_calibMag vs. r_calibMag - i_calibMag? How about the g_calibMag vs. z_calibMag - y_calibMag? color magnitude diagram?

Example 3. Interact with multiple plots from the same table

A strength of TOPCAT is that the data from a given table are linked across the plots based on that table. The current example example investigates this feature by looking at multiple plots for the table of results returned by the ADQL query from Example 2. One of these plots will be the color-magnitude diagram produced in Example 2. Two other plots will also be generated from that same table.

3.1. If not already done, run through Example 2. Keep the Table Browser window (from Step 2.11) and the g_calibMag vs. r_calibMag - i_calibMag color magnitude diagram Sky Plot window (from Step 2.17) open.

3.2. Create a skyplot of the RA,DEC positions of the stars returned by the query. To do so, go to the main TOPCAT window, ensure that the table from the Example 2 query is highlighted in the “Table List” panel, and click on the “Sky plotting window” icon – the 12th icon from the left in the row of icons at the top of the main TOPCAT window (it looks like a small, gridded Aitoff map projection).

A screenshot of the main TOPCAT window.  It is composed of four main parts. 1. A row of icons along the top of the window.  2. A Table List panel on the left of the window; this currently shows two tables, called TAP_1_dp02_dc02_catalogs.Object and TAP_1_dp02_dc02_catalogs.Object; the second table is highlighted. 3. A Current Table Properties panel on the right of the window. 4. A small SAMP panel just below the Current Table Properties panel. The Sky plotting window icon is circled in blue.

Figure 20: The main TOPCAT window. The “Sky plotting window” icon is circled in blue.

3.3. Note the Sky Plot window that TOPCAT returns. TOPCAT is generally pretty good at identifying which columns in a table represent (RA, DEC) coordinates, and it succeeds in this case, plotting coord_ra and coord_dec as the RA and the DEC, respectively. Note that TOPCAT automatically adjusts to an appropriate RA, DEC range, but the plot can be zoomed in and out interactively via the mouse or scroll wheel. Also note that TOPCAT plots the grid by default in sexagesimal units, but these (and other aspects of the plot) can be modified using the Axes button in the lower left panel of the Sky Plot window. Keep this Sky Plot window open for later steps in this example.

A screenshot of the Sky Plot window. It shows the RA, DEC positions of the 10000 objects from Table 2.  Due to the details of the ADQL query used to generate Table 2, all the points lie within a circle of diameter 1 degree.  Aside from the main plot panel, there are two other panels in the Sky Plot window.  1.  A small panel in the lower right with icons for Frame, Legend, Axes, STILTS, plus the name of the table from which the plotted data were taken.  2. A panel indicating the table name, the Data Sky System, and the columns to be used for the longitude (RA) and latitude (DEC).

Figure 21: The Skyplot window, showing the sky positions in (sexagesimal) equatorial coordindates for the entries returned by the Example 2 ADQL query.

3.4. Create a Plane Plot of the estimated error in the g-band AB magnitude (g_calibMagErr) vs. the g-band AB magnitude itself (g_calibMag).

  • Ensure the table returned by the Example 2 query is highlighted in the “Table List” panel of the main TOPCAT window, and click on the “Plane plotting window” icon.

A screenshot of the main TOPCAT window.  It is composed of four main parts. 1. A row of icons along the top of the window.  2. A Table List panel on the left of the window; this currently shows two tables, called TAP_1_dp02_dc02_catalogs.Object and TAP_1_dp02_dc02_catalogs.Object; the second table is highlighted. 3. A Current Table Properties panel on the right of the window. 4. A small SAMP panel just below the Current Table Properties panel. The Plane plotting window icon is circled in blue.

Figure 22: The main TOPCAT window. The “Plane plotting window” icon is circled in blue.

  • Replace the column names in the “X” and “Y” windows in the lower-right panel of the “Plane Plot” window with g_calibMag and g_calibMagErr, respectively, and add a grid to the plot (as described in Step 2.17). Keep this Plane Plot window open for the steps in this example.

A screenshot of the Plane Plot window. Plotted are the g-band AB magnitude error versus the g-band AB magnitude.  The g-band AB magnitude ranges from about 16 to 25. The g-band AB magnitude starts out near zero but starts to increase exponentially around 22th magnitude, reaching 0.10 around 25th magnitude.

Figure 23: The “Plane Plot” window, showing g_calibMagErr plotted against g_calibMag.

3.5. Look at all 3 plots together – the one “Sky Plot” and the 2 “Plane Plots” – plus the “Table Browser”.

  • Using the mouse to “click-and-drag” their corners and edges, the sizes and positions of these windows can be adjusted so they all can be viewed simultaneously.

  • Click on a symbol in one of the plots. (In the following figure, a point near (r_calibMag-i_calibMag=1.0, g_calibMag=24.2) was clicked in the color-magnitude plot.) A small black circle with cross-hairs will appear around that particular symbol in that particular plot. In particular, note that a small black circle with cross-hairs will also appear around the symbol for that particular object in the other plots. Its row entry in the the “Table Browser” will also be highlighted.

A screen shot showing a Sky Plot window and two Plane Plot windows -- one of the color-magnitude diagram and another of the g-band magnitude error versus magnitude plot.  Also shown is a Table Browser window.  All of these are for the data in Table 2.  In the color-magnitude plot, a symbol is marked by a black circle with cross-hairs. There is also a symbol marked by a black circle with cross-hairs in the other two plots.  These are all for the same object from Table 2.  Note also that there is a row highlighted in the Table Browser. This is the row for that same object marked by the black circle with cross-hairs in the 3 plots.

Figure 24: A Sky Plot window, two Plane Plot window, and a Table Browser window displaying data returned from the ADQL query from Example 2. Note the black circle with cross-hairs in the three plot windows and the row highlighted in gray in the Table Browser window: these all refer to the same data point.

3.6. Note that this data linkage works not only for single objects but for subsets of points that one can define for the table via the TOPCAT interface. The interested user is directed to the TOPCAT documentation on defining subsets.

Example 4. Create interactive 3D plots

The final example in this tutorial looks at TOPCAT’s interactive 3D plot functionality. As with Example 3, the table returned from the ADQL query in Example 2 will be used.

4.1. If not already done, run through Example 2, at least through Step 2.10, where the columns for calibMag and calibMagErr for all the filters are generated.

4.2. Go to the main TOPCAT window, ensure that that the table from the Example 2 query is highlighted in the “Table List” panel, and click on the “3D plotting window using Cartesian coordinates” icon – it is the 13th icon from the left in the top row of the TOPCAT window, and it looks like a 2D rendering of a cube.

A screenshot of the main TOPCAT window.  It is composed of four main parts. 1. A row of icons along the top of the window.  2. A Table List panel on the left of the window; this currently shows two tables, called TAP_1_dp02_dc02_catalogs.Object and TAP_1_dp02_dc02_catalogs.Object; the second table is highlighted. 3. A Current Table Properties panel on the right of the window. 4. A small SAMP panel just below the Current Table Properties panel.

Figure 25: The main TOPCAT window. The “3D plotting window using Cartesian coordinates” icon is circled in blue.

4.3. Note that TOPCAT has opened a “Cube Plot” window, automatically using the first 3 numeric columns of the table – in this case, coord_ra, coord_dec, and u_calibFlux for the inputs to the “X”, “Y”, and “Z” coordinates, respectively:

A screen shot of a Cube Plot.  Shown is a 2D rendering of a 3D cube.  Plotted are RA and DEC for the X and Y axes, respectively, and the u-band flux for the Z axis.

Figure 26: A “Cube Plot” window, plotting coord_ra, coord_dec, and u_calibFlux as the “X”, “Y”, and “Z” coordinates, respectively, for 10000 point sources from Example 2.

4.2. Replace the contents of the “X”, “Y”, and “Z” windows in the lower-right panel of the “Cube Plot” window with r_calibMag-i_calibMag, g_calibMag-r_calibMag, and u_calibMag-g_calibMag, respectively. This yields a 3D color-color-color diagram for the 10000 stars (and other point sources) downloaded in Example 2.

A screen shot of a Cube Plot.  Shown is a 2D rendering of a 3D cube.  Plotted are the AB colors r-i, g-r, and u-g along the X, Y, and Z axes, respectively.  The stellar locus is almost one-dimenstional, and it snakes from one corner of the cube to the opposite corner of the cube.  The disceteness of the locus for the red stars is also noticeable here.

Figure 27: A “Cube Plot” window, plotting the (r-i), (g-r), (u-g) color-color-color diagram for the 10000 point sources from Example 2.

4.3. Add more information to this plot by color-coding the individual symbols. To do so, click on the “Form” button in the lower-right panel of the “Cube Plot” window; then, in the “Shading” subpanel that appears, choose “aux” in the “Mode” pull-down menu and insert (for example) i_calibMag in the “Aux” window. This results in a 3D color-color-color plot with the value of i_calibMag encoded in the color of each symbol. A color bar also appears at the side of the plot.

A screen shot of a Cube Plot.  Shown is a 2D rendering of a 3D cube.  Plotted are the AB colors r-i, g-r, and u-g along the X, Y, and Z axes, respectively.  The stellar locus is almost one-dimenstional, and it snakes from one corner of the cube to the opposite corner of the cube.  The symbols are color-coded using the Inferno palette to show i-band magnitude, with the brighter objects appearing lighter and yellower, and the fainter objects appearing darker and browner.  At the blue corner of the cube, a large fraction of objects appear to be relatively faint (i-band AB magnitude fainter than about 22nd magnitude).

Figure 28: Same as previous plot, but with the symbols color-coded by their value of i_calibMag.

4.4. Change the color look-up table for the auxiliary axis (color bar). To so, click on “Aux Axis” in the left-lower panel of the Cube Plot window. In the new lower-right panel that appears, choose a different color palette from the “Aux Shader” drop-down menu. In the following case, the “Rainbow” color palette was chosen.

A screen shot of a Cube Plot.  Shown is a 2D rendering of a 3D cube.  Plotted are the AB colors r-i, g-r, and u-g along the X, Y, and Z axes, respectively.  The stellar locus is almost one-dimenstional, and it snakes from one corner of the cube to the opposite corner of the cube.  The symbols are color-coded using the Rainbow palette to show i-band magnitude, with the brighter object symbols appearing red, and the fainter object symbols appearing blue, purple, or even black.

Figure 29: Same as previous plot, but using the “Rainbow” color palette for the auxiliary axis (color bar).

4.5. Test out the interactive functionality of the 3D cube plot. If not already done so, use the mouse to “click-and-drag” a point in the plot window to rotate the plot to a different configuration. Note that, as with the 2D plots, the 3D cube plot can be zoomed in or out using the mouse or a scroll wheel.

A screen shot of a Cube Plot.  Shown is a 2D rendering of a 3D cube.  Plotted are the AB colors r-i, g-r, and u-g along the X, Y, and Z axes, respectively.  The stellar locus is almost one-dimenstional, and it snakes from one corner of the cube to the opposite corner of the cube.  The symbols are color-coded using the Rainbow palette to show i-band magnitude, with the brighter object symbols appearing red, and the fainter object symbols appearing blue, purple, or even black.  The plot has been rotated arbitrarily relative to the rotation of the previous plot.

Figure 30: Same as previous plot, but the 3D plot has been rotated about its axes.

4.6. (Optional) Explore! For example, try plotting the equivalent of a color-color-color-color diagram, by using i_calibMag - z_calibMag or z_calibMag - y_calibMag for the auxiliary axis (color bar).