Catalog Queries with the TAP Service¶
Contact authors: Leanne Guy and Melissa Graham
Last verified to run: 2024-08-16
LSST Science Pipelines version: Weekly 2024_32
Container Size: medium
Targeted learning level: intermediate
Description: Execute complex ADQL queries with the TAP service. Visualize catalog data sets.
Skills: Use advanced ADQL and TAP functionality. Visualize retrieved datasets with bokeh and holoviews.
LSST Data Products: Object, ForcedSource, CcdVisit tables.
Packages: lsst.rsp, bokeh, pandas
Credit: Originally developed by Leanne Guy in the context of the Rubin DP0.1.
Get Support: Find DP0-related documentation and resources at Questions are welcome as new topics in the Support - Data Preview 0 Category of the Rubin Community Forum. Rubin staff will respond to all questions posted there.
1. Introduction¶
This notebook provides an intermediate-level demonstration of how to use the Table Access Protocol (TAP) server and ADQL (Astronomy Data Query Language) to query and retrieve data from the DP0.2 catalogs.
TAP provides standardized access to catalog data for discovery, search, and retrieval. Full documentation for TAP is provided by the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA). ADQL is similar to SQL (Structured Query Langage). The documentation for ADQL includes more information about syntax and keywords. Note that not all ADQL functionality is supported yet in the DP0-era RSP.
See the recommendations for TAP queries in DP0.2 tutorial 02a "Introduction to the TAP Service".
The documentation for Data Preview 0.2 includes definitions of the data products, descriptions of catalog contents, and ADQL recipes.
1.1. Package imports¶
Import general python packages, the Rubin TAP service utilities, and bokeh and holoviews for interactive visualization.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
import bokeh
from import output_file, output_notebook, show
from bokeh.layouts import gridplot
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, CDSView, GroupFilter, HoverTool
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.transform import factor_cmap
import holoviews as hv
from lsst.rsp import get_tap_service, retrieve_query
1.2. Define functions and parameters¶
Instantiate the TAP service.
service = get_tap_service("tap")
assert service is not None
Set the maximum number of rows to display from pandas.
pandas.set_option('display.max_rows', 6)
Configure bokeh to generate output in notebook cells when show() is called.
Create dictionaries for standard symbols, colors, and labels to use when plotting data in the six LSST filters.
plot_filter_labels = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']
plot_filter_colors = {'u': '#0c71ff', 'g': '#49be61', 'r': '#c61c00',
'i': '#ffc200', 'z': '#f341a2', 'y': '#5d0000'}
plot_filter_symbols = {'u': 'o', 'g': '^', 'r': 'v', 'i': 's', 'z': '*', 'y': 'p'}
2. Column manipulation¶
Define the coordinates and radius to use for the example queries in Sections 2 and 3.
center_ra = 62
center_dec = -37
radius = 0.01
str_center_coords = str(center_ra) + ", " + str(center_dec)
str_radius = str(radius)
Start with the same query as used in the beginner TAP tutorial notebook 02a.
query = "SELECT coord_ra, coord_dec "\
"FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object "\
"WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec), "\
"CIRCLE('ICRS', " + str_center_coords + ", " + str_radius + ")) = 1 "\
"AND detect_isPrimary = 1"
SELECT coord_ra, coord_dec FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec), CIRCLE('ICRS', 62, -37, 0.01)) = 1 AND detect_isPrimary = 1
Run the query job asynchronously.
job = service.submit_job(query)
job.wait(phases=['COMPLETED', 'ERROR'])
print('Job phase is', job.phase)
Job phase is COMPLETED
Return the results as a pandas
results = job.fetch_result().to_table().to_pandas()
Display results
coord_ra | coord_dec | |
0 | 61.989258 | -37.005119 |
1 | 61.997438 | -37.005796 |
2 | 62.003285 | -37.006248 |
... | ... | ... |
170 | 61.990184 | -36.995566 |
171 | 61.992685 | -36.998426 |
172 | 61.992210 | -36.998456 |
173 rows × 2 columns
Clean up.
del query, results
2.1. Rename columns¶
Columns can be renamed by using AS
For example, use the same query as above but rename coord_ra
and coord_dec
as ra
and dec
query = "SELECT coord_ra AS ra, "\
"coord_dec AS dec "\
"FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object "\
"WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec), "\
"CIRCLE('ICRS', " + str_center_coords + ", " + str_radius + ")) = 1 "\
"AND detect_isPrimary = 1"
SELECT coord_ra AS ra, coord_dec AS dec FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec), CIRCLE('ICRS', 62, -37, 0.01)) = 1 AND detect_isPrimary = 1
job = service.submit_job(query)
job.wait(phases=['COMPLETED', 'ERROR'])
print('Job phase is', job.phase)
Job phase is COMPLETED
results = job.fetch_result().to_table().to_pandas()
ra | dec | |
0 | 61.989258 | -37.005119 |
1 | 61.997438 | -37.005796 |
2 | 62.003285 | -37.006248 |
... | ... | ... |
170 | 61.990184 | -36.995566 |
171 | 61.992685 | -36.998426 |
172 | 61.992210 | -36.998456 |
173 rows × 2 columns
Above, see the columns have been renamed in the results
del query, results
2.2. Apply functions¶
A variety of mathematical, trigonometrical, and geometrical functions can be applied to columns, with the results stored as columns in the returned array. See the ADQL documentation for the full list.
Below, use the same query as above but convert the coordinates from degrees to radians,
and rename the columns ra_radians
and dec_radians
query = "SELECT RADIANS(coord_ra) AS ra_radians, "\
"RADIANS(coord_dec) AS dec_radians "\
"FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object "\
"WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec), "\
"CIRCLE('ICRS', " + str_center_coords + ", " + str_radius + ")) = 1 "\
"AND detect_isPrimary = 1"
SELECT RADIANS(coord_ra) AS ra_radians, RADIANS(coord_dec) AS dec_radians FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec), CIRCLE('ICRS', 62, -37, 0.01)) = 1 AND detect_isPrimary = 1
job = service.submit_job(query)
job.wait(phases=['COMPLETED', 'ERROR'])
print('Job phase is', job.phase)
Job phase is COMPLETED
results = job.fetch_result().to_table().to_pandas()
ra_radians | dec_radians | |
0 | 1.081917 | -0.645861 |
1 | 1.082059 | -0.645873 |
2 | 1.082161 | -0.645881 |
... | ... | ... |
170 | 1.081933 | -0.645694 |
171 | 1.081976 | -0.645744 |
172 | 1.081968 | -0.645745 |
173 rows × 2 columns
del query, results
2.3. Convert fluxes to magnitudes¶
Photometric measurements for LSST objects are stored in the catalogs as fluxes with units of nanoJanskys (nJy).
The conversion from nJy to AB magnitude is $m_{\rm AB} = -2.5 \log(f_{\rm nJy}) + 31.4$.
Warning: Photometric measurements performed on difference images (images for which a "template" or "reference" image of the same field has been subtracted) can be negative. Take care if converting fluxes from catalogs that are the result of difference image analysis (DIA).
A function has been created to return fluxes as AB magnitudes: scisql_nanojanskyToAbMab
The query below converts the $g$-band cModelFlux
to the $g$-band AB magnitude two ways,
first using the equation (gmag1
) and also using the function (gmag2
), and the function
for the error.
See Section 5.1 for a description of the cModel
query = "SELECT coord_ra, coord_dec, "\
"-2.5 * LOG10(g_cModelFlux) + 31.4 AS gmag1, "\
"scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(g_cModelFlux) AS gmag2, "\
"scisql_nanojanskyToAbMagSigma(g_cModelFlux, g_cModelFluxErr) AS gmag2err "\
"FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object "\
"WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec), "\
"CIRCLE('ICRS', " + str_center_coords + ", " + str_radius + ")) = 1 "\
"AND detect_isPrimary = 1"
SELECT coord_ra, coord_dec, -2.5 * LOG10(g_cModelFlux) + 31.4 AS gmag1, scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(g_cModelFlux) AS gmag2, scisql_nanojanskyToAbMagSigma(g_cModelFlux, g_cModelFluxErr) AS gmag2err FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec), CIRCLE('ICRS', 62, -37, 0.01)) = 1 AND detect_isPrimary = 1
job = service.submit_job(query)
job.wait(phases=['COMPLETED', 'ERROR'])
print('Job phase is', job.phase)
Job phase is COMPLETED
results = job.fetch_result().to_table().to_pandas()
coord_ra | coord_dec | gmag1 | gmag2 | gmag2err | |
0 | 61.989258 | -37.005119 | 25.115246 | 25.115246 | 0.047453 |
1 | 61.997438 | -37.005796 | 24.621821 | 24.621821 | 0.039077 |
2 | 62.003285 | -37.006248 | 25.649383 | 25.649383 | 0.111026 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
170 | 61.990184 | -36.995566 | 25.997266 | 25.997266 | 0.104254 |
171 | 61.992685 | -36.998426 | 26.335547 | 26.335547 | 0.144485 |
172 | 61.992210 | -36.998456 | 28.195264 | 28.195264 | 0.798703 |
173 rows × 5 columns
del query, results
2.4. Retrieve derived columns¶
Here, a "derived column" refers to a column which has been create from other columns.
The query below retrives the $gri$-band AB magnitudes, and
derives the $g-r$ and $r-i$ colors and returns them as separate columns grclr
and riclr
It is the convention in astronomy to define colors as the subtraction of the magnitudes, $c = m_1 - m_2$, not the fluxes. It is also the convention that the longer-wavelength filter is always subtracted from shorter-wavelength filter. In this convention, $m_1 - m_2 = c > 0$ indicates a "redder" object, and $c < 0$ is a "bluer" object.
query = "SELECT scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(g_cModelFlux) AS gmag, "\
"scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(r_cModelFlux) AS rmag, "\
"scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(i_cModelFlux) AS imag, "\
"scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(g_cModelFlux) - "\
"scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(r_cModelFlux) AS grclr, "\
"scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(r_cModelFlux) - "\
"scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(i_cModelFlux) AS riclr "\
"FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object "\
"WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec), "\
"CIRCLE('ICRS', " + str_center_coords + ", " + str_radius + ")) = 1 "\
"AND detect_isPrimary = 1"
SELECT scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(g_cModelFlux) AS gmag, scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(r_cModelFlux) AS rmag, scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(i_cModelFlux) AS imag, scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(g_cModelFlux) - scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(r_cModelFlux) AS grclr, scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(r_cModelFlux) - scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(i_cModelFlux) AS riclr FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec), CIRCLE('ICRS', 62, -37, 0.01)) = 1 AND detect_isPrimary = 1
job = service.submit_job(query)
job.wait(phases=['COMPLETED', 'ERROR'])
print('Job phase is', job.phase)
Job phase is COMPLETED
results = job.fetch_result().to_table().to_pandas()
gmag | rmag | imag | grclr | riclr | |
0 | 25.115246 | 24.503351 | 24.202464 | 0.611895 | 0.300886 |
1 | 24.621821 | 24.013930 | 23.365301 | 0.607891 | 0.648629 |
2 | 25.649383 | 25.476514 | 24.821296 | 0.172870 | 0.655218 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
170 | 25.997266 | 25.365765 | 24.440792 | 0.631500 | 0.924973 |
171 | 26.335547 | 26.635125 | 25.739573 | -0.299578 | 0.895552 |
172 | 28.195264 | 26.153033 | 25.702908 | 2.042231 | 0.450125 |
173 rows × 5 columns
Create a scatter plot to show the colors. Plot horizontal and vertical line at color 0.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 3))
plt.plot(results['grclr'], results['riclr'],
'o', mew=0, ms=3, alpha=0.5, color='black')
plt.axvline(0.0, lw=1, color='grey')
plt.axhline(0.0, lw=1, color='grey')
plt.xlim([-1, 2])
plt.ylim([-2, 2])
plt.xlabel('g-r color')
plt.ylabel('r-i color')
Figure 1: A color-color scatter plot with $g-r$ on the x-axis and $r-i$ on the y-axis.
del query, results
3. Column constraints¶
In the query above, two constraints are used: the spatial constraint that a catalog object's
coordinates must be within a certain radius of a defined point of interest, and that the
object's detect_isPrimary
flag must be True
This section demonstrates other types of column constraints.
3.1. Comparison operators¶
In the queries above, on the =
operator is used,
but others are available, e.g., !=
, <
, >
, <=
, and >=
Rewrite detect_isPrimary =
as detect_isPrimary != 0
and add a constraint that the $i$-band magnitude is less than or equal to 25 mag.
query = "SELECT scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(g_cModelFlux) AS gmag, "\
"scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(r_cModelFlux) AS rmag, "\
"scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(i_cModelFlux) AS imag "\
"FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object "\
"WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec), "\
"CIRCLE('ICRS', " + str_center_coords + ", " + str_radius + ")) = 1 "\
"AND detect_isPrimary != 0 "\
"AND scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(i_cModelFlux) <= 25"
SELECT scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(g_cModelFlux) AS gmag, scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(r_cModelFlux) AS rmag, scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(i_cModelFlux) AS imag FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec), CIRCLE('ICRS', 62, -37, 0.01)) = 1 AND detect_isPrimary != 0 AND scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(i_cModelFlux) <= 25
job = service.submit_job(query)
job.wait(phases=['COMPLETED', 'ERROR'])
print('Job phase is', job.phase)
Job phase is COMPLETED
results = job.fetch_result().to_table().to_pandas()
Above, see that adding the magnitude constraint has decreased the number of rows returned by the query.
# results
del query, results
3.2. Operators applied to functions¶
function will return the distance, in degrees, between two points.
Use the coordinates of one of the objects returned by the queries above to
define a point: POINT('ICRS', 61.989258, -37.005119))
Retrieve the distance of every other returned object from this object as dist
To furthermore demonstrate that operators can be used in both the SELECT
statements of an ADQL query, apply a constraint that objects must be less
than 0.005 degrees away from the defined point.
Sort the results based on dist
by including an ORDER BY
query = "SELECT coord_ra, coord_dec, "\
"DISTANCE(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec), "\
"POINT('ICRS', 61.989258, -37.005119)) AS dist "\
"FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object "\
"WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec), "\
"CIRCLE('ICRS', " + str_center_coords + ", " + str_radius + ")) = 1 "\
"AND detect_isPrimary = 1 "\
"AND DISTANCE(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec), "\
"POINT('ICRS', 61.989258, -37.005119)) < 0.005 "\
SELECT coord_ra, coord_dec, DISTANCE(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec), POINT('ICRS', 61.989258, -37.005119)) AS dist FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec), CIRCLE('ICRS', 62, -37, 0.01)) = 1 AND detect_isPrimary = 1 AND DISTANCE(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec), POINT('ICRS', 61.989258, -37.005119)) < 0.005 ORDER BY dist ASC
job = service.submit_job(query)
job.wait(phases=['COMPLETED', 'ERROR'])
print('Job phase is', job.phase)
Job phase is COMPLETED
results = job.fetch_result().to_table().to_pandas()
coord_ra | coord_dec | dist | |
0 | 61.989258 | -37.005119 | 5.063372e-07 |
1 | 61.991021 | -37.006204 | 1.777588e-03 |
2 | 61.991383 | -37.005723 | 1.801550e-03 |
... | ... | ... | ... |
19 | 61.992738 | -37.001398 | 4.644145e-03 |
20 | 61.991035 | -37.000616 | 4.721349e-03 |
21 | 61.989871 | -37.000292 | 4.851721e-03 |
22 rows × 3 columns
Above, see that the first row has a very very small distance (a rounding error) from the defined point because it is the same object as was used to define the point.
del query, results
3.3. Use of WHERE ... BETWEEN ... AND ...
A constraint that one columns value is between two other columns' values
can be applied with a statement like <col1> BETWEEN <col2> AND <col3>
The order matters.
The statement WHERE a BETWEEN b AND c
means $b < a < c$.
means $c < a < b$.
Create a query with the constraint that the $r$-band cModelFlux
is in between the $g$- and $i$-band fluxes: $g < r < i$.
This query will return red objects which have more flux in the redward filters ($r$ and $i$).
query = "SELECT scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(g_cModelFlux) AS gmag, "\
"scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(r_cModelFlux) AS rmag, "\
"scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(i_cModelFlux) AS imag "\
"FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object "\
"WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec), "\
"CIRCLE('ICRS', " + str_center_coords + ", " + str_radius + ")) = 1 "\
"AND detect_isPrimary = 1 "\
"AND r_cModelFlux BETWEEN g_cModelFlux AND i_cModelFlux"
SELECT scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(g_cModelFlux) AS gmag, scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(r_cModelFlux) AS rmag, scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(i_cModelFlux) AS imag FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec), CIRCLE('ICRS', 62, -37, 0.01)) = 1 AND detect_isPrimary = 1 AND r_cModelFlux BETWEEN g_cModelFlux AND i_cModelFlux
job = service.submit_job(query)
job.wait(phases=['COMPLETED', 'ERROR'])
print('Job phase is', job.phase)
Job phase is COMPLETED
results = job.fetch_result().to_table().to_pandas()
With pandas
dataframes, columns can be derived from other columns after the TAP query.
Create columns for the $g-r$ and $r-i$ colors.
results['grclr'] = results['gmag'] - results['rmag']
results['riclr'] = results['rmag'] - results['imag']
# results
Create a color-color scatter plot, as in Section 2.4.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 3))
plt.plot(results['grclr'], results['riclr'],
'o', mew=0, ms=3, alpha=0.5, color='black')
plt.axvline(0.0, lw=1, color='grey')
plt.axhline(0.0, lw=1, color='grey')
plt.xlim([-1, 2])
plt.ylim([-2, 2])
plt.xlabel('g-r color')
plt.ylabel('r-i color')
Figure 2: The same as Figure 1, but only for objects with fluxes $f_g < f_r < f_i$, In other words, only "red" objects with $m_g - m_r > 0$ and $m_r - m_i > 0$.
del query, results
3.4. Use of WHERE ... IN (...)
The constraint option of WHERE <col1> IN (value1, value2, value3)
a simpler way of doing, e.g.,
WHERE <col1> = value1 OR <col1> = value2 OR <col1 = value3
A scenario where the WHERE ... IN ()
constraint might be used is when a
colleague has provided a list of objectId
that they have identified as
targets of interest, and only the rows for those objects are desired.
For example, the objectId
for 12 objects which were identified as bright stars with similar
$g-r$ and $i-z$ colors are used to define id_array
In the scenario where a colleague provided the list of objectId
, the array
could have been read in from a file.
id_array = np.asarray((1249537790362809267, 1252528461990360512, 1248772530269893180,
1251728017525343554, 1251710425339299404, 1250030371572068167,
1253443255664678173, 1251807182362538413, 1252607626827575504,
1249784080967440401, 1253065023664713612, 1325835101237446771),
id_list = "(" + ", ".join(str(value) for value in id_array) + ")"
(1249537790362809267, 1252528461990360512, 1248772530269893180, 1251728017525343554, 1251710425339299404, 1250030371572068167, 1253443255664678173, 1251807182362538413, 1252607626827575504, 1249784080967440401, 1253065023664713612, 1325835101237446771)
The query below retrieves the $griz$ psfFlux
values, converted to AB magnitudes.
The PSF fluxes are retrieved instead of cModel
fluxes because these objects were
already identified as stars, point sources, and so fluxes which assume the object
has the shape of the point spread function (PSF) are appropriate.
Warning: Very long lists (tens of thousands) can be problematic for the TAP service, and are best avoided.
query = "SELECT objectId, "\
"scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(g_psfFlux) AS gmag, "\
"scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(r_psfFlux) AS rmag, "\
"scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(r_psfFlux) AS imag, "\
"scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(i_psfFlux) AS zmag "\
"FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object "\
"WHERE objectId IN " + id_list
SELECT objectId, scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(g_psfFlux) AS gmag, scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(r_psfFlux) AS rmag, scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(r_psfFlux) AS imag, scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(i_psfFlux) AS zmag FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object WHERE objectId IN (1249537790362809267, 1252528461990360512, 1248772530269893180, 1251728017525343554, 1251710425339299404, 1250030371572068167, 1253443255664678173, 1251807182362538413, 1252607626827575504, 1249784080967440401, 1253065023664713612, 1325835101237446771)
job = service.submit_job(query)
job.wait(phases=['COMPLETED', 'ERROR'])
print('Job phase is', job.phase)
Job phase is COMPLETED
results = job.fetch_result().to_table().to_pandas()
objectId | gmag | rmag | imag | zmag | |
0 | 1251807182362538413 | 18.907589 | 19.147069 | 19.147069 | 19.401986 |
1 | 1252607626827575504 | 18.952356 | 18.954840 | 18.954840 | 19.040460 |
2 | 1253065023664713612 | 19.173820 | 19.608798 | 19.608798 | 18.819889 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
9 | 1251728017525343554 | 18.790656 | 18.975388 | 18.975388 | 19.188816 |
10 | 1249784080967440401 | 19.074717 | 19.189163 | 19.189163 | 19.366530 |
11 | 1253443255664678173 | 19.446870 | 19.592525 | 19.592525 | 19.787371 |
12 rows × 5 columns
del query, results
4. Table joins¶
Tables can be joined when they have an index or identifier column in common.
There are four main types of table joins in ADQL/SQL:
- inner: will return rows that appear in both tables and meet constraints (intersection set)
- outer: will return rows from either table that meet constraints (union set)
- left: will return rows from the first table that meet constraints, plus matching rows from the second table
- right: will return rows from the second table that meet constraints, plus matching rows from the first table
is used in an ADQL query, it is an inner join by default.
Generic example:
To include a table join in an ADQL query requires the specification of which column to be "joined on".
For example, the query below retrieves all rows from "table1" that are within
0.002 degrees of coordinates 62.123, -37.456, but only if there is a row
in "table2" which has the same value of id
(i.e., an inner join, which is default).
Columns mag
and band
from "table2" are also returned for these matching rows.
SELECT, t1.ra, t1.dec, t2.mag,
FROM catalog.table1 AS t1
JOIN catalog.table2 AS t2 ON =
WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('IRCS', t1.ra, t1.dec), CIRCLE('ICRS', 62.123, -37.456 0.002)) = 1
Object and Source examples:
a join between the DP0.2 Object
and ForcedSource
is demonstrated in Section 4.1.
Difference Image Analysis (DIA) examples: table joins to create difference-image lightcurves for transient and variable objects are demonstrated in DP0.2 tutorial notebooks 07a and 07b.
DP0.2 Truth Match examples:
table joins with the DP0.2 MatchesTruth
and TruthSummary
tables are
demonstrated in DP0.2 tutorial notebook 08.
4.1. Variable star lightcurve¶
A common reason for a table join with DP0.2 is to create lightcurves.
Examples of common joins:
tables on columnobjectId
tables on columnccdVisitId
Recall the contents of these tables:
table: measurements for detections in the processed visit images (PVIs)Object
table: measurements for detections in the deeply stacked images (coadds)ForcedSource
table: forced photometry on the PVIs at the location of allObject
table: PVI metadata such a filter, date, exposure time
Note that the Source
table cannot be joined with the ForcedSource
or Object
because it is the result of independent processing.
First, define the coordinates of a known RR Lyrae variable star. Use a search radius of $\sim2$".
target_ra = 62.1479031
target_dec = -35.799138
radius = 0.0006
str_target_coords = str(target_ra) + ", " + str(target_dec)
str_radius = str(radius)
4.1.1. Single-table query to find the objectId¶
Find the objectId
for the variable star with a simple, single-table query.
query = "SELECT objectId "\
"FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object "\
"WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec), "\
"CIRCLE('ICRS', " + str_target_coords + ", " + str_radius + ")) = 1 "\
"AND detect_isPrimary = 1"
SELECT objectId FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec), CIRCLE('ICRS', 62.1479031, -35.799138, 0.0006)) = 1 AND detect_isPrimary = 1
job = service.submit_job(query)
job.wait(phases=['COMPLETED', 'ERROR'])
print('Job phase is', job.phase)
Job phase is COMPLETED
Retrieve the results
and print the length of the dataframe.
There should be only one row (one match within the small search radius).
results = job.fetch_result().to_table().to_pandas()
Save the objectId
of the first (and only) row of the results
dataframe as str_target_objectId
for use in Section 4.1.2 below.
Also print it.
str_target_objectId = str(results['objectId'][0])
del query, results
4.1.2. Two-table join to retrieve the light curve¶
Find all rows of the ForcedSource
catalog which are measurements of this object.
query = "SELECT scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(fs.psfFlux) AS mag, "\
"scisql_nanojanskyToAbMagSigma(fs.psfFlux, fs.psfFluxErr) AS magerr, "\
", cv.expMidptMJD "\
"FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.ForcedSource AS fs "\
"JOIN dp02_dc2_catalogs.CcdVisit AS cv ON fs.ccdVisitId = cv.ccdVisitId "\
"WHERE fs.objectId = " + str_target_objectId
SELECT scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(fs.psfFlux) AS mag, scisql_nanojanskyToAbMagSigma(fs.psfFlux, fs.psfFluxErr) AS magerr,, cv.expMidptMJD FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.ForcedSource AS fs JOIN dp02_dc2_catalogs.CcdVisit AS cv ON fs.ccdVisitId = cv.ccdVisitId WHERE fs.objectId = 1651589610221899038
job = service.submit_job(query)
job.wait(phases=['COMPLETED', 'ERROR'])
print('Job phase is', job.phase)
Job phase is COMPLETED
Retrieve the results
and print the length of the dataframe.
The length will be the total number of individual observations of the object, in all filters.
results = job.fetch_result().to_table().to_pandas()
# results
Print the number of observations in each of the six filters.
values, counts = np.unique(results['band'], return_counts=True)
for value, count in zip(values, counts):
print(value, count)
del values, counts
g 56 i 101 r 115 u 32 y 78 z 50
Plot the $r$- and $i$-band light curve.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 3))
for filt in ['r', 'i']:
tx = np.where(results['band'] == filt)[0]
plt.plot(results['expMidptMJD'][tx], results['mag'][tx],
plot_filter_symbols[filt], alpha=0.5, mew=0,
color=plot_filter_colors[filt], label=filt)
plt.xlabel('Modified Julian Date')
plt.ylabel('Apparent Magnitude')
plt.legend(loc='upper left', handletextpad=0)
Figure 3: The light curve for objectId
= 1651589610221899038
, a known RR Lyrae variable star,
in the $r$ (orange triangles) and $i$ (brown squares) filters.
del query, results
4.2. Three-table join to retrieve the light curve¶
The single-table query for the objectId
and the two-table join to retrieve
the ForcedSource
lightcurve can be combined into the following three-table join.
query = "SELECT scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(fs.psfFlux) AS mag, "\
"scisql_nanojanskyToAbMagSigma(fs.psfFlux, fs.psfFluxErr) AS magerr, "\
", cv.expMidptMJD "\
"FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object AS o "\
"JOIN dp02_dc2_catalogs.ForcedSource AS fs ON o.objectId = fs.objectId "\
"JOIN dp02_dc2_catalogs.CcdVisit AS cv ON fs.ccdVisitId = cv.ccdVisitId "\
"WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', o.coord_ra, o.coord_dec), "\
"CIRCLE('ICRS', " + str_target_coords + ", " + str_radius + ")) = 1 "\
"AND o.detect_isPrimary = 1"
SELECT scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(fs.psfFlux) AS mag, scisql_nanojanskyToAbMagSigma(fs.psfFlux, fs.psfFluxErr) AS magerr,, cv.expMidptMJD FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object AS o JOIN dp02_dc2_catalogs.ForcedSource AS fs ON o.objectId = fs.objectId JOIN dp02_dc2_catalogs.CcdVisit AS cv ON fs.ccdVisitId = cv.ccdVisitId WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', o.coord_ra, o.coord_dec), CIRCLE('ICRS', 62.1479031, -35.799138, 0.0006)) = 1 AND o.detect_isPrimary = 1
job = service.submit_job(query)
job.wait(phases=['COMPLETED', 'ERROR'])
print('Job phase is', job.phase)
Job phase is COMPLETED
results = job.fetch_result().to_table().to_pandas()
# results
As these are the exact same data as retrieved in Section 4.1.2 above, plotting the light curve is left as an exercise for the learner (Section 6).
del query, results
5. Interactive plots for large data sets¶
In this section, the bokeh package is used to create interactive plots to explore a dataset. Multiple panels are used to show different representations of the same dataset. A selection applied to either panel will highlight the selected points in the other panel.
Bokeh Documentation
Holoviews Documentation
This section uses the same center coordiantes as Section 2 and 3, but instead of a small radius of 0.01 degrees, a full degree radius is used.
use_center_coords = "62, -37"
use_radius = "1.0"
center_coords = SkyCoord(62, -37, frame='icrs', unit='deg')
search_radius = 1.0*u.deg
5.1. Create the query¶
Select rows of the Object
table within the central search area defined above.
As always with the Object
catalog, enforce that the detect_isPrimary
flag is "True" ($=1$).
Only return objects which have $g$, $r$, and $i$-band magnitudes between 17 and 23 mag (using the $<$ and $>$ operators),
and which have a measured r-band extendedness parameter (i.e., it is not NaN or NULL).
Extendedness is typically a parameter between 0 (point-like) and 1 (extended); for DP0.2 it is either 0 or 1.
Return the the cModelFlux
measurements as magnitudes.
Composite Model (CModel) fluxes are similar in nature to those measured for SDSS.
In short, it is the linear combination of the best fit exponential and de Vaucouleurs profiles.
The cModel
type of flux is appropriate to use for extended objects.
query = "SELECT objectId, detect_isPrimary, " + \
"coord_ra AS ra, coord_dec AS dec, " + \
"scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(g_cModelFlux) AS mag_g_cModel, " + \
"scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(r_cModelFlux) AS mag_r_cModel, " + \
"scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(i_cModelFlux) AS mag_i_cModel, " + \
"r_extendedness " + \
"FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object " + \
"WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec), " + \
"CIRCLE('ICRS', " + use_center_coords + ", " + use_radius + ")) = 1 " + \
"AND detect_isPrimary = 1 " + \
"AND scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(g_cModelFlux) > 17.0 " + \
"AND scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(g_cModelFlux) < 23.0 " + \
"AND scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(r_cModelFlux) > 17.0 " + \
"AND scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(r_cModelFlux) < 23.0 " + \
"AND scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(i_cModelFlux) > 17.0 " + \
"AND scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(i_cModelFlux) < 23.0 " + \
"AND r_extendedness IS NOT NULL "
SELECT objectId, detect_isPrimary, coord_ra AS ra, coord_dec AS dec, scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(g_cModelFlux) AS mag_g_cModel, scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(r_cModelFlux) AS mag_r_cModel, scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(i_cModelFlux) AS mag_i_cModel, r_extendedness FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec), CIRCLE('ICRS', 62, -37, 1.0)) = 1 AND detect_isPrimary = 1 AND scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(g_cModelFlux) > 17.0 AND scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(g_cModelFlux) < 23.0 AND scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(r_cModelFlux) > 17.0 AND scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(r_cModelFlux) < 23.0 AND scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(i_cModelFlux) > 17.0 AND scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(i_cModelFlux) < 23.0 AND r_extendedness IS NOT NULL
job = service.submit_job(query)
job.wait(phases=['COMPLETED', 'ERROR'])
print('Job phase is', job.phase)
Job phase is COMPLETED
results = job.fetch_result().to_table().to_pandas()
objectId | detect_isPrimary | ra | dec | mag_g_cModel | mag_r_cModel | mag_i_cModel | r_extendedness | |
0 | 1567973949952790667 | True | 61.589349 | -37.292548 | 22.021820 | 20.897961 | 20.059149 | 1.0 |
1 | 1567973949952790537 | True | 61.690688 | -37.295615 | 22.045110 | 22.003669 | 21.875550 | 1.0 |
2 | 1567973949952792117 | True | 61.657001 | -37.280430 | 22.031740 | 20.839838 | 19.632312 | 0.0 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
45862 | 1651484057105633429 | True | 61.503058 | -36.242969 | 22.449538 | 22.561414 | 22.471409 | 1.0 |
45863 | 1651484057105633487 | True | 61.619845 | -36.241070 | 22.330609 | 21.999204 | 21.276891 | 1.0 |
45864 | 1651484057105633488 | True | 61.618022 | -36.243376 | 22.711567 | 22.392250 | 22.288026 | 0.0 |
45865 rows × 8 columns
5.2. Prepare the results for plotting¶
The basis for any data visualization is the underlying data.
The ColumnDataSource
(CDS) is the core of bokeh plots.
A CDS can be prepared from the data returned by a query, enabling it to be passed directly to bokeh.
Bokeh automatically creates a CDS from data passed as python lists or numpy arrays.
CDS are useful as they allow data to be shared between multiple plots and renderers, enabling brushing and linking.
A CDS is essentially a collection of sequences of data that have their own unique column name.
Getting the data preparation phase right is the key to creating powerful visualizations.
Recall the center coordinates that were defined with astropy
Get the central RA and Dec as values (datatype float) and print them.
center_ra = center_coords.ra.deg
center_dec = center_coords.dec.deg
print(center_ra, center_dec)
62.0 -37.0
Create a python dictionary that associates the r_extendedness
column with the Object being a star or a galaxy.
object_map = {0.0: 'star', 1.0: 'galaxy'}
Create a python dictionary to store the data from the query and pass to the ColumnDataSource
All columns in a CDS must have the same length.
data = dict(ra=results['ra'], dec=results['dec'],
source = ColumnDataSource(data=data)
Additional data can be added to the CDS after creation, as
demonstrated in the cell below with the addition of objectId
and extendedness
in the r-band.
Note that the objectId
needs to be converted to a string,
because bokeh can't interpret an integer value that high.
objIdString = np.array(results['objectId']).astype('str')['objectId'] = objIdString['r_extendedness'] = results['r_extendedness']
Use the object_map
dictionary to add an object_type
column to the CDS.['object_type'] = results['r_extendedness'].map(object_map)['object_type']
0 galaxy 1 galaxy 2 star ... 45862 galaxy 45863 galaxy 45864 star Name: r_extendedness, Length: 45865, dtype: object
5.3. Plot a color-magnitude diagram¶
Use bokeh to plot a color-magnitude (g vs. g-i) diagram making use of the cModel
Hover over the points in the plot to see their values.
Define the plot aesthetics and tools.
plot_options = {'height': 400, 'width': 400,
'tools': ['box_select', 'reset', 'box_zoom', 'help']}
Define the hover tool.
tooltips = [
("Col (g-i)", "@gmi"),
("Mag (g)", "@gmag"),
("Mag (r)", "@rmag"),
("Mag (i)", "@imag"),
("Type", "@object_type")
hover_tool_cmd = HoverTool(tooltips=tooltips)
Create a color-magnitude diagram.
p = figure(title="Color - Magnitude Diagram",
x_axis_label='g-i', y_axis_label='g',
x_range=(-1.8, 4.3), y_range=(23.5, 16),
Color-code the different object types by defining a color map palette.
object_type_palette = ['darkred', 'lightgrey']
p.scatter(x='gmi', y='gmag', source=source,
size=3, alpha=0.6,
factors=['star', 'galaxy']),
Show the interactive plot.
Figure 4: The $g-i$ color vs. the $g$-band apparent magnitude for galaxies (grey) and stars (maroon). The hover text includes the color, magnitudes, and type for each point.
5.4. Plot a color-color (r-i vs. g-r) diagram¶
Add a color-color (r-i vs. g-r) diagram and make use of the advanced linking features of bokeh to enable brushing and linking between the the color-magnitude diagram and this color-color plot.['rmi'] = results['mag_r_cModel'] - results['mag_i_cModel']['gmr'] = results['mag_g_cModel'] - results['mag_r_cModel']
The CMD above is very crowded. Below, filter on object type and plot stars only.
Use a GroupFilter to select rows from the CDS that satisfy object_type
= "star".
stars = CDSView()
stars.filter = GroupFilter(column_name='object_type', group="star")
Define the various options for the plot, and create the hover tool.
plot_options = {'height': 350, 'width': 350,
'tools': ['box_zoom', 'box_select',
'lasso_select', 'reset', 'help']}
hover_tool = HoverTool(tooltips=[("(RA,DEC)", "(@ra, @dec)"),
("(g-r,g)", "(@gmr, @gmag)"),
("objectId", "@objectId"),
("type", "@object_type")])
Create the three plots: spatial, color-magnitude, and color-color, then plot all three together on a grid.
Create the spatial plot.
title_spatial = 'Spatial centred on (RA,DEC) = '+use_center_coords
fig_spatial = figure(title=title_spatial,
x_axis_label="Delta RA", y_axis_label="Delta DEC",
fig_spatial.scatter(x='target_ra', y='target_dec',
source=source, view=stars,
size=4.0, alpha=0.6,
color='teal', hover_color='firebrick')
Create the color-magnitude plot.
fig_cmag = figure(title="Color-Magnitude Diagram",
x_axis_label="g-r", y_axis_label="g",
x_range=(-1.0, 2.0), y_range=(23.5, 16),
fig_cmag.scatter(x='gmr', y='gmag', source=source, view=stars,
size=4.0, alpha=0.6,
color='teal', hover_color='firebrick')
Create the color-color plot.
fig_cc = figure(title="Color-Color Diagram",
x_axis_label="g-r", y_axis_label="r-i",
x_range=(-1.0, 2.0), y_range=(-1.0, 2.5),
fig_cc.scatter(x='gmr', y='rmi', source=source, view=stars,
size=4.0, alpha=0.6,
color='teal', hover_color='firebrick')
Show all three plots together in a row.
p = gridplot([[fig_spatial, fig_cmag, fig_cc]])
Figure 5: Three side-by-side panels showing points for stars only (teal). Left: the difference in right ascension (Delta RA) vs. the difference in declination (Delta DEC) between object coordinates and 62, -37 degrees. Center: the $g-r$ color vs. the $g$-band apparent magnitude. Right: the $g-r$ color vs. the $r-i$ color. The hover text is the same for all panels: the coordinates, the $g-r$ color and $g$ mag, objectId
, and type.
Hover the mouse over the data points in any of the plots in order to
use the hover tool to see information about individual data points (e.g., the objectId
Notice the data points highlighted in red on one panel with the hover tool are also highlighted on the other panels.
Click on the box select or lasso select icons in the upper right corner of the figure. Use the box select or lasso select functionality to make a selection in any panel by clicking and dragging to define a region. The selected data points will be displayed in darker teal in all panels.
Use the refresh icon to reset the plot.
Clean up.
del results, data, p, stars, source
6. Exercises for the learner¶
(1) In Section 3.3, use WHERE ... BETWEEN ... AND ...
to create a query to retrieve
blue objects (instead of red) which have $g-r<0$ and $r-i<0$.
Hint: r_cModelFlux BETWEEN i_cModelFlux AND g_cModelFlux
(2) In Section 5.1, rewrite the query to use WHERE ... BETWEEN ... AND ...
in order
to restrict the magnitudes of the rows returned. Use the demonstration in Section 2.4
to retrieve the $g-r$ and $r-i$ colors as part of the query, instead of creating
them in Section 5.4.
(3) The query below has three errors. Try running it, and see that the job fails with
phase ERROR. Use job.raise_if_error()
to figure out what the three errors are.
This is the same three-table join query as was used in Section 4.2, just with
three errors added.
SELECT scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(fs.psfFlux) AS mag, scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(fs.psfFlux, fs.psfFluxErr) AS magerr,, cv.expMidptMJD FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object AS o JOIN dp02_dc2.catalogs.ForcedSource AS fs ON o.objectId = fs.objectId JOIN dp02_dc2_catalogs.CcdVisit AS cv ON fs.ccdVisitId = cv.visitId WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', o.coord_ra, o.coord_dec), CIRCLE('ICRS', 62.1479031, -35.799138, 0.0006)) = 1 AND o.detect_isPrimary = 1
(4) In Section 4.2, the light curve is not plotted because the same data was retrieved as in Section 4.1.2. Go back and plot the data retrieved in Section 4.2, but this time show all six LSST filters in the plot.