Introduction to the LSST deblender data products¶

Contact author(s): Christina Williams
Last verified to run: 2024-08-19
LSST Science Pipelines version: Weekly 2024_32
Container Size: medium
Targeted learning level: beginner
Description: This tutorial introduces the data products created by the LSST multiband deblender (Scarlet; Melchior et al. 2018) and illustrates some simple use cases for them.
Skills: Use of the catalog data products related to deblending objects.
LSST Data Products: images (deepCoadd, skyMap, MaskedImage) and catalogs (objectTable)
Packages: lsst.afw.image, lsst.afw.detection, lsst.rsp, lsst.daf.butler, lsst.geom
Credit: Developed by Christina Willliams in collaboration with Melissa Graham and the Rubin Community Science Team for DP0.2. Influenced by Stack Club notebooks demonstrating how to run the LSST deblender (Scarlet; Melchior et al. 2018) by Fred Moolekamp and Alex Drlica-Wagner.
Get Support: Find DP0-related documentation and resources at Questions are welcome as new topics in the Support - Data Preview 0 Category of the Rubin Community Forum. Rubin staff will respond to all questions posted there.
1. Introduction¶
This notebook is an introduction to the data products that are associated with the deblending process.
In order to build its source catalog and measure photometry of objects in images, the LSST Science Pipeline uses the multi-wavelength deblending algorithm Scarlet (Melchior et al. 2018) to identify independent detected components within source blends and separate the flux from independent objects.
A "parent" source is identified as a region of connected pixels above a given signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) in the deepCoadd
These regions are called footprints.
Each footprint may have one or more peaks, and it is these peaks that the deblender will use to infer the number and positions of objects blended in each footprint.
The deblended sub-peaks are referred to as "children" of the parent in the properties saved by the deblender in the Object
The Scarlet deblender separates the flux among components by modeling the flux and shape of each source making up the blend.
This tutorial will identify a heavily blended parent object with many children and explore how to interpret the deblender-related measurements in the Object
It will also demonstrate how to use deblender-related columns in the Object
table to identify unique deblended child sources, and
provide an example of how to access metadata that is available for each deblended source (e.g. the deblended footprints and pixel-weight maps).
Additional resources¶
An introduction to all of the available deblending flags, and the processes that produce the deblender data products discussed in this tutorial can be found in this overview of the deblending flags.
A general discussion of blending impacts to LSST can be found in this article titled "The challenge of blending in large sky surveys" by Melchior et al. 2021.
Some more in-depth presentations on the deblending implementation in the LSST Science Pipelines are available from recorded talks during the Rubin Project and Community Workshop 2022's session on "Deblending Plans and Challenges".
1.1. Package Imports¶
The matplotlib (and especially sublibrary matplotlib.pyplot
), numpy, and astropy libraries are widely used Python libraries for plotting, scientific computing, and astronomical data analysis.
The lsst.rsp
package provides access to the Table Access Protocol (TAP) service for queries to the DP0 catalogs.
The lsst.afw.image
and lsst.afw.detection
packages provide access to some of the extended products created by the deblender pipeline.
The lsst.afw.display
library provides access to image visualization routines and the lsst.daf.butler
library is used to access data products via the butler.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import lsst.daf.butler as Butler
from lsst.rsp import get_tap_service
import lsst.geom as geom
import lsst.afw.display as afwDisplay
from lsst.afw.image import MaskedImage
1.2. Define functions and parameters¶
The following two functions enable the visualization of deblended products:
will make an image cutout (see DP0.2 tutorial notebook 03a on image display).heavyFootprint2Image
will help us grab the "footprint" of deblended objects for further analysis.
def cutout_coadd(butler, ra, dec, band='r', datasetType='deepCoadd',
skymap=None, cutoutSideLength=51, **kwargs):
Produce a cutout from a coadd at the given ra, dec position.
Adapted from DC2 tutorial notebook by Michael Wood-Vasey.
butler: lsst.daf.persistence.Butler
Helper object providing access to a data repository
ra: float
Right ascension of the center of the cutout, in degrees
dec: float
Declination of the center of the cutout, in degrees
band: string
Filter of the image to load
datasetType: string ['deepCoadd']
Which type of coadd to load. Doesn't support 'calexp'
skymap: lsst.afw.skyMap.SkyMap [optional]
Pass in to avoid the Butler read. Useful if you have lots of them.
cutoutSideLength: float [optional]
Size of the cutout region in pixels.
radec = geom.SpherePoint(ra, dec, geom.degrees)
cutoutSize = geom.ExtentI(cutoutSideLength, cutoutSideLength)
if skymap is None:
skymap = butler.get("skyMap")
tractInfo = skymap.findTract(radec)
patchInfo = tractInfo.findPatch(radec)
xy = geom.PointI(tractInfo.getWcs().skyToPixel(radec))
bbox = geom.BoxI(xy - cutoutSize // 2, cutoutSize)
print("bbox = ", bbox, "xy = ", xy, "cutoutSize = ", cutoutSize)
patch = tractInfo.getSequentialPatchIndex(patchInfo)
coaddId = {'tract': tractInfo.getId(), 'patch': patch, 'band': band}
parameters = {'bbox': bbox}
cutout_image = butler.get(datasetType, parameters=parameters,
return cutout_image
def heavyFootprint2Image(heavy, fill=np.nan, bbox=None, imageType=MaskedImage):
Create an image of a HeavyFootprint
Written by Fred Moolekamp
heavy : `HeavyFootprint`
The HeavyFootprint to insert into the image
fill: number
Number to fill the pixels in the image that are not
contained in `heavy`.
bbox : `Box2I`
Bounding box of the output image.
imageType : `type`
This should be either a `MaskedImage` or `Image` and describes
the type of the output image.
image : `lsst.afw.image.MaskedImage` or `lsst.afw.image.Image`
An image defined by `bbox` and padded with `fill` that
contains the projected flux in `heavy`.
if bbox is None:
bbox = heavy.getBBox()
image = imageType(bbox, dtype=heavy.getImageArray().dtype)
return image
Define parameters for plotting.
params = {'axes.labelsize': 28,
'font.size': 24,
'legend.fontsize': 14,
'xtick.major.width': 3,
'xtick.minor.width': 2,
'xtick.major.size': 12,
'xtick.minor.size': 6,
'xtick.direction': 'in',
'': True,
'lines.linewidth': 3,
'axes.linewidth': 3,
'axes.labelweight': 3,
'axes.titleweight': 3,
'ytick.major.width': 3,
'ytick.minor.width': 2,
'ytick.major.size': 12,
'ytick.minor.size': 6,
'ytick.direction': 'in',
'ytick.right': True,
'figure.figsize': [8, 8],
'figure.facecolor': 'White'}
Start the TAP service.
service = get_tap_service("tap")
assert service is not None
Instantiate the butler.
butler = Butler.Butler('dp02', collections='2.2i/runs/DP0.2')
2. The deblender data products¶
The object and source catalogs contain a number of columns that can be used to identify and characterize blended sources (parents) that have been deblended into child sources, both of which are ultimately stored in the catalogs along with isolated single sources that do not require deblending. These columns help the user identify a unique sample and avoid returning duplicate objects in queries.
In this tutorial we will focus on deblending data products for Objects
detected and measured in the deepCoadd
The following describes boolean flags that are set by the deblender, and some measurements or properties of deblended sources that can be used to characterize (de)blended sources.
Note: This tutorial uses catalog data that are available via TAP and/or the butler. In the DP0-era, some deblending data products are available only via butler-based catalogs, and cannot be accessed by TAP and are not listed in the DP0.2 Schema Browser.
Available in the TAP Object
table and in the butler-based objectTable
(boolean): True if source has no children, is in inner region of a coadd patch, and is in the inner region of a coadd tract (i.e., is a unique object in the catalog).
Note that an object where detect_isPrimary
= True can still be a deblended child, but itself was not a parent that was separated by the deblender.
Warning: to avoid returning duplicates use
= True for all catalog queries. (Duplicates can be caused by including both the parent blend and the nearest child source, or by including the overlapping area outside the "inner region" of a patch or tract.
(boolean): If True, this source is deblended from a parent with more than one child.
(boolean): If True, this source was not part of a blend (i.e., the source has a single peak, deblend_nPeaks
= 1, or its parent only had a single peak, deblend_parentNPeaks
= 1).
(boolean): True if source has no children, is in the inner regions of its coadd patch and tract (will be unique) and is either an unblended isolated source or a deblended child from a parent.
(boolean): True if the source has no children and is a deblended child (but this flag is false for unblended isolated sources); similar to detect_isDeblendedSource
(boolean): If True, the deblender skipped this source and did not attempt to deblend.
(long): Unique ID of parent source.
(int): Number of children this object has (defaults to 0).
Differs from deblend_nPeaks
in that deblend_nChild
excludes both isolated sources and child peaks that were culled during deblending.
(int): Number of pixels in the source's detection "footprint".
The footprint itself is a boolean mask of pixels in the input image that were detected as part of the parent blend.
This corresponds to the footprint for the "reference band".
(char): The filter that the deblender identified the "best" location for the centroid of the peak flux based on the multi-wavelength deblending routine (referred to as the "reference filter").
(dbl): For each filter (f = u, g, r, i, z, or y), a measure of how much the flux is affected by neighbors, (1 - child_flux/parent_flux).
Operates on the absolute value of the pixels to try to obtain a de-noised value.
See section 4.9.11 of Bosch et al. 2018, PASJ, 70, S5 for details.
Available only in the butler-based objectTable
(int): Number of peaks contained in the parent blend's footprint (is 1 for isolated sources).
(int): Number of peaks of the deblended child's parent.
2.1. Find parents with many children¶
Use the TAP service to find a bunch of parent blended objects.
As with all explorative TAP queries searching for examples, it is essential to first start with a small area while developing queries (to confirm the query is good), and then iteratively increase the area as needed (because the full query could take hours without any spatial constraint on the search). This is because the tables are indexed by coordinate (RA, Dec) and queries with constraints only on measurement columns (such as deblending-related parameters) are inefficient. In other words, Qserv (the backend hosting the TAP-accessible tables) is "spatially sharded". For more information about efficient TAP queries, see tutorial 02.
Search in the center of the DC2 simulation for wide-area (footprintArea
> 20000, or about 30"x30") parent objects with many children (deblend_nChild
> 20) that are not point-source like (refExtendedness
= 1).
ra = 55.064
dec = -29.783
query = "SELECT objectId, coord_ra, coord_dec, x, y, tract, patch, " + \
"refExtendedness, detect_isPrimary, detect_fromBlend, " + \
"deblend_nChild, footprintArea " + \
"FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object " + \
"WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec ), " + \
"CIRCLE('ICRS', " + str(ra) + ", " + str(dec) + ", 0.2)) = 1 " + \
"AND deblend_nChild > 20 AND footprintArea > 20000 " + \
"AND refExtendedness = 1"
SELECT objectId, coord_ra, coord_dec, x, y, tract, patch, refExtendedness, detect_isPrimary, detect_fromBlend, deblend_nChild, footprintArea FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec ), CIRCLE('ICRS', 55.064, -29.783, 0.2)) = 1 AND deblend_nChild > 20 AND footprintArea > 20000 AND refExtendedness = 1
job = service.submit_job(query)
job.wait(phases=['COMPLETED', 'ERROR'])
print('Job phase is', job.phase)
Job phase is COMPLETED
parents = job.fetch_result().to_table()
objectId | coord_ra | coord_dec | x | y | tract | patch | refExtendedness | detect_isPrimary | detect_fromBlend | deblend_nChild | footprintArea |
deg | deg | pix | pix | pix | |||||||
int64 | float64 | float64 | float64 | float64 | int64 | int64 | float64 | bool | bool | int32 | int32 |
2090426691099828320 | 55.1771286 | -29.610409 | 19271.4225752 | 3152.3404409 | 4850 | 4 | 1.0 | False | False | 48 | 24180 |
2090435487192849844 | 54.9815469 | -29.6113002 | 22332.3487031 | 3124.8217907 | 4850 | 5 | 1.0 | False | False | 62 | 30827 |
1999404720506018227 | 54.9375278 | -29.8030926 | 8682.2117379 | 26461.7113998 | 4638 | 44 | 1.0 | False | False | 53 | 24626 |
1999404720506020289 | 54.8683502 | -29.7655793 | 9761.191937 | 27139.9245212 | 4638 | 44 | 1.0 | False | False | 48 | 21010 |
1999404720506014006 | 54.9791041 | -29.8925258 | 8038.2021847 | 24849.654365 | 4638 | 44 | 1.0 | False | False | 48 | 25320 |
1999395924412991617 | 55.1751359 | -29.8936565 | 4978.8633396 | 24816.5255451 | 4638 | 43 | 1.0 | False | False | 66 | 47579 |
2090444283285865258 | 54.8683501 | -29.7655796 | 24088.8219365 | 338.3070552 | 4850 | 6 | 1.0 | False | False | 48 | 21108 |
1999395924412990891 | 55.2238077 | -29.9164422 | 4221.5172721 | 24402.3474885 | 4638 | 43 | 1.0 | False | False | 50 | 21950 |
2090426691099824909 | 55.2106826 | -29.6747305 | 18743.3132704 | 1995.8530579 | 4850 | 4 | 1.0 | False | False | 79 | 32435 |
Use the cutout_coadd
function to obtain a cutout image of one of these parents (use parent index pi=1
Make the side length 3x the square root of the footprintArea
pi = 1
cutout = cutout_coadd(butler, parents['coord_ra'][pi],
band='i', datasetType='deepCoadd',
* np.sqrt(float(parents['footprintArea'][pi])))
bbox = (minimum=(22069, 2862), maximum=(22594, 3387)) xy = (22332, 3125) cutoutSize = (526, 526)
Use TAP to retrieve all children for the selected parent.
query = "SELECT objectId, coord_ra, coord_dec, x, y " + \
"FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object " + \
"WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec ), " + \
"CIRCLE('ICRS', " + str(ra) + ", " + str(dec) + ", 0.3)) = 1 " + \
"AND parentObjectId = " + str(parents['objectId'][pi]) + " " + \
"AND detect_isPrimary = 1"
SELECT objectId, coord_ra, coord_dec, x, y FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec ), CIRCLE('ICRS', 55.064, -29.783, 0.3)) = 1 AND parentObjectId = 2090435487192849844 AND detect_isPrimary = 1
job = service.submit_job(query)
job.wait(phases=['COMPLETED', 'ERROR'])
print('Job phase is', job.phase)
Job phase is COMPLETED
children = job.fetch_result().to_table()
# children
Display the deepCoadd
cutout made for this parent, with a blue cross for the parent and red circles for its children.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
display = afwDisplay.Display(frame=fig)
display.scale('asinh', 'zscale')
with display.Buffering():'+', parents['x'][pi], parents['y'][pi], ctype=afwDisplay.BLUE)
for ci in range(len(children)):'o', children['x'][ci], children['y'][ci],
size=10, ctype=afwDisplay.RED)
Figure 1: The cutout image displayed in greyscale, with a blue + marking the parent object and red circles marking the deblended children. In this case, the blended object looks like a rich galaxy cluster.
Note: Performance of the deblender is still being optimized, and results like this within DP0 are not necessarily representative of future results.
del parents, children, cutout
2.2. Find a parent at a given location¶
In the case where the user wants to explore the (de)blended objects at a specific location, the process is similar to the one above except here, no constraints are made except spatial constraints.
In this case our search area is limited to a circle of radius 0.003 degrees, or about 10 arcseconds.
ra = 50.1089143
dec = -44.4812763
query = "SELECT objectId, coord_ra, coord_dec, x, y, tract, patch, " + \
"detect_isPrimary, deblend_nChild, deblend_skipped, " + \
"detect_fromBlend, detect_isDeblendedModelSource, " +\
"detect_isDeblendedSource, detect_isIsolated, parentObjectId, " + \
"footprintArea, z_blendedness " + \
"FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object " + \
"WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec ), " + \
"CIRCLE('ICRS', " + str(ra) + ", " + str(dec) + ", 0.003)) = 1 "
SELECT objectId, coord_ra, coord_dec, x, y, tract, patch, detect_isPrimary, deblend_nChild, deblend_skipped, detect_fromBlend, detect_isDeblendedModelSource, detect_isDeblendedSource, detect_isIsolated, parentObjectId, footprintArea, z_blendedness FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec ), CIRCLE('ICRS', 50.1089143, -44.4812763, 0.003)) = 1
job = service.submit_job(query)
job.wait(phases=['COMPLETED', 'ERROR'])
print('Job phase is', job.phase)
Job phase is COMPLETED
table = job.fetch_result().to_table()
objectId | coord_ra | coord_dec | x | y | tract | patch | detect_isPrimary | deblend_nChild | deblend_skipped | detect_fromBlend | detect_isDeblendedModelSource | detect_isDeblendedSource | detect_isIsolated | parentObjectId | footprintArea | z_blendedness |
deg | deg | pix | pix | pix | ||||||||||||
int64 | float64 | float64 | float64 | float64 | int64 | int64 | bool | int32 | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | int64 | int32 | float64 |
1248675773246610542 | 50.1089143 | -44.4812763 | 23484.4969535 | 3210.1552014 | 2897 | 5 | False | 13 | False | False | False | False | False | 0 | 3435 | 0.0 |
1248675773246610553 | 50.1057834 | -44.4803199 | 23524.8643399 | 3227.0075054 | 2897 | 5 | True | 1 | False | False | False | True | True | 0 | 58 | -- |
1248675773246614506 | 50.1112455 | -44.4830641 | 23454.267689 | 3178.2418117 | 2897 | 5 | True | 1 | False | False | False | True | True | 0 | 146 | -- |
1248675773246646731 | 50.1112542 | -44.4830595 | 23454.156725 | 3178.3243401 | 2897 | 5 | False | 0 | False | False | True | False | True | 1248675773246614506 | 210 | 1.0 |
1248675773246648066 | 50.1068549 | -44.4792128 | 23511.2793823 | 3247.0635373 | 2897 | 5 | False | 0 | False | False | True | False | True | 1248675773246615870 | 210 | 0.6840147 |
1248675773246648042 | 50.1089035 | -44.4829148 | 23484.3713065 | 3180.6576627 | 2897 | 5 | False | 0 | False | False | True | False | True | 1248675773246615850 | 121 | 0.8361302 |
1248675773246640734 | 50.1058255 | -44.4803323 | 23524.3211568 | 3226.7895414 | 2897 | 5 | False | 0 | False | False | True | False | True | 1248675773246610553 | 90 | 0.8621852 |
1248675773246640706 | 50.1066973 | -44.4815091 | 23512.9343389 | 3205.7072499 | 2897 | 5 | True | 0 | False | True | True | True | False | 1248675773246610542 | 3190 | 0.4453317 |
1248675773246640705 | 50.1090308 | -44.4792832 | 23483.3200083 | 3246.0487119 | 2897 | 5 | True | 0 | False | True | True | True | False | 1248675773246610542 | 3658 | 0.1195687 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
1248675773246640713 | 50.1093602 | -44.4803255 | 23478.9219813 | 3227.3238199 | 2897 | 5 | True | 0 | False | True | True | True | False | 1248675773246610542 | 4270 | 1.0 |
1248675773246640712 | 50.1103673 | -44.4819947 | 23465.7187079 | 3197.3916488 | 2897 | 5 | True | 0 | False | True | True | True | False | 1248675773246610542 | 3235 | 1.0 |
1248675773246640711 | 50.1074871 | -44.4824668 | 23502.6355237 | 3188.5572091 | 2897 | 5 | True | 0 | False | True | True | True | False | 1248675773246610542 | 2094 | -- |
1248675773246640710 | 50.1080708 | -44.4826994 | 23495.1012753 | 3184.438564 | 2897 | 5 | True | 0 | False | True | True | True | False | 1248675773246610542 | 2585 | 0.6481874 |
1248675773246640709 | 50.1109064 | -44.4801318 | 23459.0931783 | 3230.9886405 | 2897 | 5 | True | 0 | False | True | True | True | False | 1248675773246610542 | 3360 | 0.6900869 |
1248675773246640708 | 50.1086507 | -44.4800782 | 23488.0751276 | 3231.6920967 | 2897 | 5 | True | 0 | False | True | True | True | False | 1248675773246610542 | 4761 | 0.3823447 |
1248675773246640707 | 50.1112017 | -44.4795117 | 23455.4006661 | 3242.1856875 | 2897 | 5 | True | 0 | False | True | True | True | False | 1248675773246610542 | 1951 | 0.391979 |
1248675773246615870 | 50.1068648 | -44.4792128 | 23511.1530979 | 3247.0639484 | 2897 | 5 | True | 1 | False | False | False | True | True | 0 | 152 | -- |
1248675773246615850 | 50.1089686 | -44.4828671 | 23483.5428225 | 3181.5237969 | 2897 | 5 | True | 1 | False | False | False | True | True | 0 | 81 | -- |
The first row in the results table is a parent source with 13 deblended children (it has detect_isPrimary
= False, and deblend_nChild
= 13).
Double check that all of the children are included in the table
by finding out how many rows have a parentObjectId
matching the first row's objectId
sel_objid = table['objectId'][0]
whchild = np.where(table['parentObjectId'] == sel_objid)[0]
print(len(whchild), "child objects deblended from parentObjectId", sel_objid)
13 child objects deblended from parentObjectId 1248675773246610542
Up until now, the TAP service has been used to access catalog data.
Below, all objects in the same tract and patch as the 13-child parent are obtained via the butler.
tract = table['tract'][0]
patch = table['patch'][0]
dataId = {'tract': tract, 'patch': patch, 'band': 'i'}
obj = butler.get('objectTable', dataId)
print("Retrieved catalog of ", len(obj), " objects.")
Retrieved catalog of 32101 objects.
Print the parameters only for the objects that are children of the parent identified above.
children = obj[obj.parentObjectId == sel_objid]
children[['parentObjectId', 'x', 'y', 'coord_ra', 'coord_dec']]
column | parentObjectId | x | y | coord_ra | coord_dec |
objectId | |||||
1248675773246640703 | 1248675773246610542 | 23484.493982 | 3210.159524 | 50.108914 | -44.481276 |
1248675773246640704 | 1248675773246610542 | 23466.945145 | 3233.628800 | 50.110297 | -44.479981 |
1248675773246640705 | 1248675773246610542 | 23483.320008 | 3246.048712 | 50.109031 | -44.479283 |
1248675773246640706 | 1248675773246610542 | 23512.934339 | 3205.707250 | 50.106697 | -44.481509 |
1248675773246640707 | 1248675773246610542 | 23455.400666 | 3242.185688 | 50.111202 | -44.479512 |
1248675773246640708 | 1248675773246610542 | 23488.075128 | 3231.692097 | 50.108651 | -44.480078 |
1248675773246640709 | 1248675773246610542 | 23459.093178 | 3230.988641 | 50.110906 | -44.480132 |
1248675773246640710 | 1248675773246610542 | 23495.101275 | 3184.438564 | 50.108071 | -44.482699 |
1248675773246640711 | 1248675773246610542 | 23502.635524 | 3188.557209 | 50.107487 | -44.482467 |
1248675773246640712 | 1248675773246610542 | 23465.718708 | 3197.391649 | 50.110367 | -44.481995 |
1248675773246640713 | 1248675773246610542 | 23478.921981 | 3227.323820 | 50.109360 | -44.480325 |
1248675773246640714 | 1248675773246610542 | 23503.206785 | 3201.591833 | 50.107452 | -44.481743 |
1248675773246640715 | 1248675773246610542 | 23463.005462 | 3244.569998 | 50.110611 | -44.479375 |
An alternative way of printing the children
array defined above.
# for i in range(len(children)):
# print(children.iloc[i].parentObjectId, children.index[i],
# children.iloc[i].x, children.iloc[i].y,
# children.iloc[i].coord_ra, children.iloc[i].coord_dec)
Another alternative for defining separate arrays containing the data from children
and printing them with a user-specified format.
# obj_parentObjectId = np.asarray(obj.parentObjectId, dtype='int')
# obj_objectId = np.asarray(obj.index, dtype='int')
# obj_x = np.asarray(obj.x, dtype='float')
# obj_y = np.asarray(obj.y, dtype='float')
# obj_ra = np.asarray(obj.coord_ra, dtype='float')
# obj_dec = np.asarray(obj.coord_dec, dtype='float')
# wh = np.where(obj_parentObjectId == sel_objid)[0]
# print(len(wh), "child objects found for parentObjectId", sel_objid)
# for i in wh:
# print('%20s %20s %10.3f %9.3f %10.6f %11.6f' %
# (obj_parentObjectId[i], obj_objectId[i], obj_x[i], obj_y[i],
# obj_ra[i], obj_dec[i]))
Obtain a cutout at the user-specified location.
cutout = cutout_coadd(butler, ra, dec, band='i', datasetType='deepCoadd',
bbox = (minimum=(23384, 3110), maximum=(23584, 3310)) xy = (23484, 3210) cutoutSize = (201, 201)
Display a cutout at the location of this parent, and use the object data retrieved from the butler to mark the child locations.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
display = afwDisplay.Display(frame=fig)
display.scale('asinh', 'zscale')
with display.Buffering():'o', table['x'][0], table['y'][0], size=5,
for i in range(len(children)):'o', children.iloc[i].x, children.iloc[i].y,
size=6, ctype=afwDisplay.GREEN)
Figure 2: A cutout image displayed in grayscale, with a yellow circle to mark the parent location and green circles to mark the children.
del table, obj, cutout
3. Deblended footprints¶
Scarlet, when run as part of the LSST Science Pipelines, produces the deepCoadd_deblendedFlux
data product (among other outputs) after using the multi-wavelength images to identify peaks.
This data product contains the footprints for the individual deblended children, which might be a useful data product for some users.
The concept of a footprint was introduced in tutorial 05. To quote Bosch et al. (2018),
Footprints record the exact above-threshold detection region on a CCD. These are similar to Source Extractor’s “segmentation map", in that they identify which pixels belong to which detected objects.
This quote draws an analogy between footprints and segmentation maps, since they both identify pixels with values above some threshold. This is a useful similarity, since it gives us a place to start understanding the properties of footprints.
3.1. The deepCoadd_deblendedFlux
Below, find the deepCoadd_deblendedFlux
data product in the butler by searching for all dataset types with the word "blend" in the title.
registry = butler.registry
for dt in sorted(registry.queryDatasetTypes('*blend*')):
DatasetType('deblend_config', {}, Config) DatasetType('deblend_log', {skymap, tract, patch}, ButlerLogRecords) DatasetType('deblend_metadata', {skymap, tract, patch}, PropertySet) DatasetType('deblend_single_config', {}, Config) DatasetType('deblend_single_log', {band, skymap, tract, patch}, ButlerLogRecords) DatasetType('deblend_single_metadata', {band, skymap, tract, patch}, TaskMetadata) DatasetType('deepCoadd_deblendedCatalog', {skymap, tract, patch}, SourceCatalog) DatasetType('deepCoadd_deblendedFlux', {band, skymap, tract, patch}, SourceCatalog) DatasetType('deepCoadd_deblendedFlux_schema', {}, SourceCatalog) DatasetType('deepCoadd_deblendedModel', {band, skymap, tract, patch}, SourceCatalog) DatasetType('deepCoadd_deblendedModel_schema', {}, SourceCatalog) DatasetType('deepCoadd_mcalmax_deblended', {skymap, tract, patch}, SourceCatalog) DatasetType('deepCoadd_mcalmax_deblended_schema', {}, SourceCatalog) DatasetType('deepCoadd_ngmix_deblended', {skymap, tract, patch}, SourceCatalog) DatasetType('deepCoadd_ngmix_deblended_schema', {}, SourceCatalog) DatasetType('injected_deepCoadd_deblendedCatalog', {skymap, tract, patch}, SourceCatalog)
Look at the schema for the deepCoadd_deblendedFlux
catalog to learn more about its contents.
Use the dataId
as defined above for the 13-child parent galaxy of interest.
{'tract': 2897, 'patch': 5, 'band': 'i'}
We can first look at the contexts of deepCoadd_deblendedFlux
by looking at the column names in deepCoadd_deblendedFlux_schema
without having to pull the contents for the dataID from the butler.
dbFlux_schema = butler.get('deepCoadd_deblendedFlux_schema', dataId=dataId)
for colname in dbFlux_schema.asAstropy().colnames:
id coord_ra coord_dec parent merge_footprint_i merge_footprint_r merge_footprint_z merge_footprint_y merge_footprint_g merge_footprint_u merge_footprint_sky merge_peak_i merge_peak_r merge_peak_z merge_peak_y merge_peak_g merge_peak_u merge_peak_sky deblend_runtime deblend_iterations deblend_nChild deblend_deblendedAsPsf deblend_tooManyPeaks deblend_parentTooBig deblend_masked deblend_sedConvergenceFailed deblend_morphConvergenceFailed deblend_blendConvergenceFailedFlag deblend_edgePixels deblend_failed deblend_error deblend_skipped deblend_peak_center_x deblend_peak_center_y deblend_peakId deblend_peak_instFlux deblend_modelType deblend_nPeaks deblend_parentNPeaks deblend_parentNChild deblend_scarletFlux deblend_logL deblend_spectrumInitFlag
Obtain the catalog contents for the deepCoadd_deblendedFlux
table in the tract and patch defined by our dataId
dbFlux = butler.get('deepCoadd_deblendedFlux', dataId=dataId)
dbFlux_table = dbFlux.asAstropy()
print('Retrieved', len(dbFlux_table),
'records from the deepCoadd_deblendedFlux table.')
Retrieved 32101 records from the deepCoadd_deblendedFlux table.
For the 13 children associated with the parent identified in Section 2.2, display the catalog content.
tx = np.where(dbFlux_table['parent'] == sel_objid)[0]
id | coord_ra | coord_dec | parent | merge_footprint_i | merge_footprint_r | merge_footprint_z | merge_footprint_y | merge_footprint_g | merge_footprint_u | merge_footprint_sky | merge_peak_i | merge_peak_r | merge_peak_z | merge_peak_y | merge_peak_g | merge_peak_u | merge_peak_sky | deblend_runtime | deblend_iterations | deblend_nChild | deblend_deblendedAsPsf | deblend_tooManyPeaks | deblend_parentTooBig | deblend_masked | deblend_sedConvergenceFailed | deblend_morphConvergenceFailed | deblend_blendConvergenceFailedFlag | deblend_edgePixels | deblend_failed | deblend_error | deblend_skipped | deblend_peak_center_x | deblend_peak_center_y | deblend_peakId | deblend_peak_instFlux | deblend_modelType | deblend_nPeaks | deblend_parentNPeaks | deblend_parentNChild | deblend_scarletFlux | deblend_logL | deblend_spectrumInitFlag |
rad | rad | pix | pix | ct | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
int64 | float64 | float64 | int64 | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | float32 | int32 | int32 | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | str25 | bool | int32 | int32 | int32 | float64 | str25 | int32 | int32 | int32 | float32 | float32 | bool |
1248675773246640703 | nan | nan | 1248675773246610542 | True | True | True | True | True | True | False | True | True | True | True | True | True | False | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | False | False | False | False | False | False | True | False | False | False | 23485 | 3210 | 47292 | 5.39021635055542 | MultiExtendedSource | 1 | 13 | 13 | 490.87234 | nan | True | |
1248675773246640704 | nan | nan | 1248675773246610542 | True | True | True | True | True | True | False | True | True | True | True | True | False | False | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | False | False | False | False | False | False | True | False | False | False | 23467 | 3234 | 47294 | 2.3927512168884277 | MultiExtendedSource | 1 | 13 | 13 | 106.880486 | nan | True | |
1248675773246640705 | nan | nan | 1248675773246610542 | True | True | True | True | True | True | False | True | True | True | True | True | True | False | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | False | False | False | False | False | False | True | False | False | False | 23483 | 3246 | 41242 | 0.33462783694267273 | CompactExtendedSource | 1 | 13 | 13 | 12.085948 | nan | True | |
1248675773246640706 | nan | nan | 1248675773246610542 | True | True | True | True | True | True | False | True | True | True | False | True | False | False | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | False | False | False | False | False | False | True | False | False | False | 23513 | 3206 | 47291 | 0.3295254409313202 | CompactExtendedSource | 1 | 13 | 13 | 12.935391 | nan | True | |
1248675773246640707 | nan | nan | 1248675773246610542 | True | True | True | True | True | True | False | True | True | True | False | False | False | False | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | False | False | False | False | False | False | True | False | False | False | 23455 | 3242 | 47295 | 0.26085060834884644 | CompactExtendedSource | 1 | 13 | 13 | 5.9582796 | nan | True | |
1248675773246640708 | nan | nan | 1248675773246610542 | True | True | True | True | True | True | False | True | True | True | False | True | False | False | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | False | False | False | False | False | False | True | False | False | False | 23488 | 3231 | 47293 | 0.24051915109157562 | CompactExtendedSource | 1 | 13 | 13 | 10.048364 | nan | True | |
1248675773246640709 | nan | nan | 1248675773246610542 | True | True | True | True | True | True | False | False | False | False | False | True | False | False | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | False | False | False | False | False | False | True | False | False | False | 23459 | 3231 | 50403 | 0.3871551752090454 | CompactExtendedSource | 1 | 13 | 13 | 22.802235 | nan | True | |
1248675773246640710 | nan | nan | 1248675773246610542 | True | True | True | True | True | True | False | True | False | False | False | False | False | False | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | False | False | False | False | False | False | True | False | False | False | 23495 | 3185 | 40993 | 0.1430944949388504 | CompactExtendedSource | 1 | 13 | 13 | 3.7953627 | nan | True | |
1248675773246640711 | nan | nan | 1248675773246610542 | True | True | True | True | True | True | False | True | False | False | False | False | False | False | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | False | False | False | False | False | False | True | False | False | False | 23502 | 3188 | 41007 | 0.11195013672113419 | CompactExtendedSource | 1 | 13 | 13 | 2.7816982 | nan | True | |
1248675773246640712 | nan | nan | 1248675773246610542 | True | True | True | True | True | True | False | False | True | False | False | False | False | False | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | False | False | False | False | False | False | True | False | False | False | 23466 | 3198 | 52379 | 0.02966391295194626 | CompactExtendedSource | 1 | 13 | 13 | 1.5007979 | nan | True | |
1248675773246640713 | nan | nan | 1248675773246610542 | True | True | True | True | True | True | False | False | True | False | False | False | False | False | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | False | False | False | False | False | False | True | False | False | False | 23479 | 3227 | 52382 | 1.6886492347454422e-21 | CompactExtendedSource | 1 | 13 | 13 | 4.1422963e-20 | nan | True | |
1248675773246640714 | nan | nan | 1248675773246610542 | True | True | True | True | True | True | False | False | True | False | False | False | False | False | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | False | False | False | False | False | False | True | False | False | False | 23503 | 3202 | 52380 | 0.08955945819616318 | CompactExtendedSource | 1 | 13 | 13 | 2.5225735 | nan | True | |
1248675773246640715 | nan | nan | 1248675773246610542 | True | True | True | True | True | True | False | False | True | False | False | False | False | False | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | False | False | False | False | False | False | True | False | False | False | 23463 | 3244 | 52387 | 0.14773274958133698 | CompactExtendedSource | 1 | 13 | 13 | 4.0033736 | nan | True |
3.2. Exploring deblended footprints¶
Use the .getFootprint()
method to get the footprints for all records in dbFlux
and add them to the astropy table made from the deepCoadd_deblendedFlux
A new column called 'footprint' will appear in the dbFlux_table
footprints = [src.getFootprint() for src in dbFlux]
dbFlux_table["footprint"] = footprints
For the 13 children associated with the parent identified in Section 2.2, display the catalog content, which now contains a footprint
column (scroll all the way over to the right).
tx = np.where(dbFlux_table['parent'] == sel_objid)[0]
id | coord_ra | coord_dec | parent | merge_footprint_i | merge_footprint_r | merge_footprint_z | merge_footprint_y | merge_footprint_g | merge_footprint_u | merge_footprint_sky | merge_peak_i | merge_peak_r | merge_peak_z | merge_peak_y | merge_peak_g | merge_peak_u | merge_peak_sky | deblend_runtime | deblend_iterations | deblend_nChild | deblend_deblendedAsPsf | deblend_tooManyPeaks | deblend_parentTooBig | deblend_masked | deblend_sedConvergenceFailed | deblend_morphConvergenceFailed | deblend_blendConvergenceFailedFlag | deblend_edgePixels | deblend_failed | deblend_error | deblend_skipped | deblend_peak_center_x | deblend_peak_center_y | deblend_peakId | deblend_peak_instFlux | deblend_modelType | deblend_nPeaks | deblend_parentNPeaks | deblend_parentNChild | deblend_scarletFlux | deblend_logL | deblend_spectrumInitFlag | footprint |
rad | rad | pix | pix | ct | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
int64 | float64 | float64 | int64 | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | float32 | int32 | int32 | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | bool | str25 | bool | int32 | int32 | int32 | float64 | str25 | int32 | int32 | int32 | float32 | float32 | bool | object |
1248675773246640703 | nan | nan | 1248675773246610542 | True | True | True | True | True | True | False | True | True | True | True | True | True | False | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | False | False | False | False | False | False | True | False | False | False | 23485 | 3210 | 47292 | 5.39021635055542 | MultiExtendedSource | 1 | 13 | 13 | 490.87234 | nan | True | 1 peaks, area=5840, centroid=(23484.5, 3217.97) | |
1248675773246640704 | nan | nan | 1248675773246610542 | True | True | True | True | True | True | False | True | True | True | True | True | False | False | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | False | False | False | False | False | False | True | False | False | False | 23467 | 3234 | 47294 | 2.3927512168884277 | MultiExtendedSource | 1 | 13 | 13 | 106.880486 | nan | True | 1 peaks, area=4329, centroid=(23479.5, 3223.64) | |
1248675773246640705 | nan | nan | 1248675773246610542 | True | True | True | True | True | True | False | True | True | True | True | True | True | False | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | False | False | False | False | False | False | True | False | False | False | 23483 | 3246 | 41242 | 0.33462783694267273 | CompactExtendedSource | 1 | 13 | 13 | 12.085948 | nan | True | 1 peaks, area=3658, centroid=(23485.1, 3232.58) | |
1248675773246640706 | nan | nan | 1248675773246610542 | True | True | True | True | True | True | False | True | True | True | False | True | False | False | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | False | False | False | False | False | False | True | False | False | False | 23513 | 3206 | 47291 | 0.3295254409313202 | CompactExtendedSource | 1 | 13 | 13 | 12.935391 | nan | True | 1 peaks, area=3190, centroid=(23497.6, 3211.93) | |
1248675773246640707 | nan | nan | 1248675773246610542 | True | True | True | True | True | True | False | True | True | True | False | False | False | False | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | False | False | False | False | False | False | True | False | False | False | 23455 | 3242 | 47295 | 0.26085060834884644 | CompactExtendedSource | 1 | 13 | 13 | 5.9582796 | nan | True | 1 peaks, area=1951, centroid=(23467.6, 3233.05) | |
1248675773246640708 | nan | nan | 1248675773246610542 | True | True | True | True | True | True | False | True | True | True | False | True | False | False | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | False | False | False | False | False | False | True | False | False | False | 23488 | 3231 | 47293 | 0.24051915109157562 | CompactExtendedSource | 1 | 13 | 13 | 10.048364 | nan | True | 1 peaks, area=4761, centroid=(23485.3, 3224.45) | |
1248675773246640709 | nan | nan | 1248675773246610542 | True | True | True | True | True | True | False | False | False | False | False | True | False | False | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | False | False | False | False | False | False | True | False | False | False | 23459 | 3231 | 50403 | 0.3871551752090454 | CompactExtendedSource | 1 | 13 | 13 | 22.802235 | nan | True | 1 peaks, area=3360, centroid=(23473, 3224.49) | |
1248675773246640710 | nan | nan | 1248675773246610542 | True | True | True | True | True | True | False | True | False | False | False | False | False | False | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | False | False | False | False | False | False | True | False | False | False | 23495 | 3185 | 40993 | 0.1430944949388504 | CompactExtendedSource | 1 | 13 | 13 | 3.7953627 | nan | True | 1 peaks, area=2585, centroid=(23491.2, 3199.54) | |
1248675773246640711 | nan | nan | 1248675773246610542 | True | True | True | True | True | True | False | True | False | False | False | False | False | False | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | False | False | False | False | False | False | True | False | False | False | 23502 | 3188 | 41007 | 0.11195013672113419 | CompactExtendedSource | 1 | 13 | 13 | 2.7816982 | nan | True | 1 peaks, area=2094, centroid=(23495.7, 3198.87) | |
1248675773246640712 | nan | nan | 1248675773246610542 | True | True | True | True | True | True | False | False | True | False | False | False | False | False | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | False | False | False | False | False | False | True | False | False | False | 23466 | 3198 | 52379 | 0.02966391295194626 | CompactExtendedSource | 1 | 13 | 13 | 1.5007979 | nan | True | 1 peaks, area=3235, centroid=(23475.7, 3206.57) | |
1248675773246640713 | nan | nan | 1248675773246610542 | True | True | True | True | True | True | False | False | True | False | False | False | False | False | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | False | False | False | False | False | False | True | False | False | False | 23479 | 3227 | 52382 | 1.6886492347454422e-21 | CompactExtendedSource | 1 | 13 | 13 | 4.1422963e-20 | nan | True | 1 peaks, area=4270, centroid=(23482.9, 3227.15) | |
1248675773246640714 | nan | nan | 1248675773246610542 | True | True | True | True | True | True | False | False | True | False | False | False | False | False | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | False | False | False | False | False | False | True | False | False | False | 23503 | 3202 | 52380 | 0.08955945819616318 | CompactExtendedSource | 1 | 13 | 13 | 2.5225735 | nan | True | 1 peaks, area=2791, centroid=(23497.3, 3207.24) | |
1248675773246640715 | nan | nan | 1248675773246610542 | True | True | True | True | True | True | False | False | True | False | False | False | False | False | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | False | False | False | False | False | False | True | False | False | False | 23463 | 3244 | 52387 | 0.14773274958133698 | CompactExtendedSource | 1 | 13 | 13 | 4.0033736 | nan | True | 1 peaks, area=2388, centroid=(23474.9, 3235.69) |
Use the function heavyFootprint2Image
to turn the footprint
into a heavyFootprint
The function returns an image defined by a bounding box, and padded with fill value (the default is NaN
which contains the projected flux in heavy
The term "heavy" here refers to footprint pixels that aren't simply populated with values 0 or 1 (where 1 indicates the pixel is part of the footprint), but with values that represent the flux.
fpimg = heavyFootprint2Image(dbFlux_table['footprint'][tx[0]])
Optional: Explore the properties of fpimg
by uncommenting the line below, putting your cursor after the period, pressing tab, and scrolling through the pop-up box of attributes.
Recognize familiar image attributes such as image
and getBBox
# fpimg.
Display the footprint of each of the 13 deblended children in a 3x5 grid.
Title the subplot with the index and the footprint shape. Notice that the footprint image areas are not a standard size: they encompass the footprint.
Remove the axis labels (x and y pixels) and the colorbar scale. Note that this grid leaves 2 subplots empty, so erase the axes for the final two subplots.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 5, figsize=(10, 7))
display = afwDisplay.Display(frame=fig)
x = 0
for i in range(3):
if i < 2:
Nc = 5
elif i == 2:
Nc = 3
for j in range(Nc):
fpimg = heavyFootprint2Image(dbFlux_table['footprint'][tx[x]])[i, j])
display.scale('asinh', 'zscale')
plt.title(str(x) + " size:" + str(np.shape(fpimg.image.array)),
x += 1
del fpimg[2, 3])
display = afwDisplay.Display(frame=fig)
plt.gca().axis('off')[2, 4])
display = afwDisplay.Display(frame=fig)
Figure 3: The heavy footprints, displayed in grayscale, for each of the 13 children.
The above grid is somewhat useful for seeing the shapes of the individual footprints, but it does not show how the footprints might overlap with each other.
Below, plot all of the footprints together in a single axis.
Define a set of 13 colormaps to use, one for each child footprint, and label each child footprint 0 through 12.
The alpha
parameter is used here to set the pixel transparency in a fairly crude way, so that pixels are semi-transparent in the bright (high flux) areas of the footprint, and totally transparent in the outskirts of the footprint.
To make sure the final plot is big enough to hold all footprints, keep track of the min/max x/y values, and then use them to set the plot limits.
Note: Due to the scaling, it seems like not all of these footprints touch, but since they are all deblended from a single parent, they do in fact join and overlap. Adjust the values of
or try differentvmin
scaling to explore the footprint edges.
my_colormaps = ['Greys', 'Purples', 'Blues', 'Greens', 'Oranges',
'Reds', 'YlOrBr', 'RdPu', 'GnBu', 'YlGnBu',
'viridis', 'cividis', 'cool']
xmin = 9999999.
xmax = 0.
ymin = 9999999.
ymax = 0.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
for x in range(len(tx)):
fpimg = heavyFootprint2Image(dbFlux_table['footprint'][tx[x]])
fpimg_extent = (fpimg.getBBox().beginX, fpimg.getBBox().endX,
fpimg.getBBox().beginY, fpimg.getBBox().endY)
alphas = np.asarray(fpimg.image.array,
dtype='float') / np.nanmax(fpimg.image.array)
tmp_x = np.where((np.isnan(alphas)) | (alphas < 0.1))
alphas[tmp_x] = 0.0
tmp_x = np.where(alphas >= 0.1)
alphas[tmp_x] = 0.7
im = plt.imshow(fpimg.image.array, cmap=my_colormaps[x], alpha=alphas,
extent=fpimg_extent, origin='lower')
if xmin > fpimg.getBBox().beginX:
xmin = fpimg.getBBox().beginX
if xmax < fpimg.getBBox().endX:
xmax = fpimg.getBBox().endX
if ymin > fpimg.getBBox().beginY:
ymin = fpimg.getBBox().beginY
if ymax < fpimg.getBBox().endY:
ymax = fpimg.getBBox().endY
del fpimg, fpimg_extent, alphas, tmp_x, im
center_x = dbFlux_table['deblend_peak_center_x'][tx[x]]
center_y = dbFlux_table['deblend_peak_center_y'][tx[x]]
plt.text(center_x, center_y, str(x), fontsize=10)
plt.xlim([xmin, xmax])
plt.ylim([ymin, ymax])
plt.xlabel('x', fontsize=10)
plt.ylabel('y', fontsize=10)
Figure 4: The heavy footprints from Figure 3, each with their own colormap applied (instead of grayscale) and labeled as 0 through 12, to distinguish them. Instead of showing each heavy footprint separately, they've been pasted back into the image frame.
del dataId, dbFlux_schema, dbFlux, dbFlux_table
del footprints
4. Use-case: SN Ia host galaxy identification¶
DP0 Portal tutorial 03 investigated the location of a Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) near a bright host galaxy and found that in some filters, and with some image scaling parameters, it seemed like the true host is a fainter host that is blended with a bigger, brighter galaxy.
The following steps use the techniques above to look for parent and child sources near this SN Ia.
Define the coordinates for this SN Ia.
sn_ra = 67.4579
sn_dec = -44.0802
Obtain the i-band deepCoadd
image, which in Step 2.3 of Portal tutorial 03 reveals a potentially blended host.
cutout = cutout_coadd(butler, sn_ra, sn_dec, band='i', datasetType='deepCoadd',
bbox = (minimum=(9577, 10429), maximum=(9647, 10499)) xy = (9612, 10464) cutoutSize = (71, 71)
Get the WCS for this cutout and convert the SN Ia coordinates from RA, Dec to pixels.
wcs = cutout.getWcs()
sn_radec = geom.SpherePoint(sn_ra, sn_dec, geom.degrees)
sn_xy = wcs.skyToPixel(sn_radec)
Display the i-band deepCoadd
with the SN Ia location marked as a pink circle.
See how it seems like there's a faint galaxy there, blended with the larger one?
Try changing the scale from asinh
to linear
to get a different view.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4))
display = afwDisplay.Display(frame=fig)
display.scale('asinh', 'zscale')
with display.Buffering():'o', sn_xy.getX(), sn_xy.getY(), size=4,
Figure 5: The cutout, in grayscale, at the location of a supernova (magenta circle).
Query the Object
catalog for extended parents in the area. As a reminder, the spatial constraint by searching around a specified ra/dec is not technically necessary, but speeds up the query significantly because of the way the data in the object Table are stored (see Section 2.1).
query = "SELECT objectId, coord_ra, coord_dec, x, y, tract, " + \
"patch, refExtendedness, detect_isPrimary, detect_isIsolated, " + \
"deblend_nChild, detect_fromBlend, footprintArea, parentObjectId " + \
"FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object " + \
"WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec ), " + \
"CIRCLE('ICRS', " + str(sn_ra) + ", " + str(sn_dec) + \
", 0.005)) = 1 " + \
"AND refExtendedness = 1 AND deblend_nChild > 0"
SELECT objectId, coord_ra, coord_dec, x, y, tract, patch, refExtendedness, detect_isPrimary, detect_isIsolated, deblend_nChild, detect_fromBlend, footprintArea, parentObjectId FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec ), CIRCLE('ICRS', 67.4579, -44.0802, 0.005)) = 1 AND refExtendedness = 1 AND deblend_nChild > 0
job = service.submit_job(query)
job.wait(phases=['COMPLETED', 'ERROR'])
print('Job phase is', job.phase)
Job phase is COMPLETED
parents = job.fetch_result().to_table()
objectId | coord_ra | coord_dec | x | y | tract | patch | refExtendedness | detect_isPrimary | detect_isIsolated | deblend_nChild | detect_fromBlend | footprintArea | parentObjectId |
deg | deg | pix | pix | pix | |||||||||
int64 | float64 | float64 | float64 | float64 | int64 | int64 | float64 | bool | bool | int32 | bool | int32 | int64 |
1252220598734565711 | 67.456615 | -44.0824351 | 9628.9571564 | 10423.5426349 | 2905 | 16 | 1.0 | True | True | 1 | False | 67 | 0 |
1252220598734565690 | 67.4549172 | -44.0838567 | 9651.0152894 | 10398.0433922 | 2905 | 16 | 1.0 | True | True | 1 | False | 160 | 0 |
1252220598734565679 | 67.4590361 | -44.0848941 | 9597.8340666 | 10379.150508 | 2905 | 16 | 1.0 | True | True | 1 | False | 141 | 0 |
1252220598734559600 | 67.4529129 | -44.0786555 | 9676.5523293 | 10491.7723559 | 2905 | 16 | 1.0 | True | True | 1 | False | 89 | 0 |
1252220598734559723 | 67.4553039 | -44.07586 | 9645.427877 | 10541.9650751 | 2905 | 16 | 1.0 | True | True | 1 | False | 380 | 0 |
1252220598734559348 | 67.4570197 | -44.0803057 | 9623.5673578 | 10461.8499988 | 2905 | 16 | 1.0 | False | False | 32 | False | 11494 | 0 |
The table above reveals there is one nearby parent, with 32 children (identified by the deblend_nChild keyword). The other 5 sources you can see are not blends because they have detect_isIsolated = True.
Plot the location of this parent on the deepCoadd
to see if it's the bright nearby galaxy.
tx = np.where(parents['deblend_nChild'] == 32)[0]
print('objectId of parent with 32 children: ', parents['objectId'][tx[0]])
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4))
display = afwDisplay.Display(frame=fig)
display.scale('asinh', 'zscale')
with display.Buffering():'o', sn_xy.getX(), sn_xy.getY(), size=4,
ctype=afwDisplay.MAGENTA)'o', parents['x'][tx], parents['y'][tx], size=5,
objectId of parent with 32 children: 1252220598734559348
Figure 6: Same as Figure 5, but with a yellow circle to mark a nearby parent object.
Query for the 32 children of this parent.
query = "SELECT objectId, coord_ra, coord_dec, x, y, tract, patch, " + \
"refExtendedness, detect_isPrimary, deblend_nChild, " + \
"detect_fromBlend, footprintArea, parentObjectId " + \
"FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object " + \
"WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec ), " + \
"CIRCLE('ICRS', " + str(sn_ra) + ", " + str(sn_dec) + \
", 0.01)) = 1 AND parentObjectId = 1252220598734559348"
SELECT objectId, coord_ra, coord_dec, x, y, tract, patch, refExtendedness, detect_isPrimary, deblend_nChild, detect_fromBlend, footprintArea, parentObjectId FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec ), CIRCLE('ICRS', 67.4579, -44.0802, 0.01)) = 1 AND parentObjectId = 1252220598734559348
job = service.submit_job(query)
job.wait(phases=['COMPLETED', 'ERROR'])
print('Job phase is', job.phase)
Job phase is COMPLETED
children = job.fetch_result().to_table()
# children
Plot the locations of the children as green circles.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4))
display = afwDisplay.Display(frame=fig)
display.scale('asinh', 'zscale')
with display.Buffering():'o', sn_xy.getX(), sn_xy.getY(), size=4,
ctype=afwDisplay.MAGENTA)'o', parents['x'][tx], parents['y'][tx], size=5,
for i in range(len(children)):'o', children['x'][i], children['y'][i], size=3,
Figure 7: Same as Figure 6, but with green circles to mark the children.
Well! What seems to be the true host galaxy has not been deblended from the large, bright, nearby galaxy.
This might be a good case where the deblender should be run, with more aggressive deblending parameters, but that is an intermediate/advanced level use of the LSST Science Pipelines that is left to a different tutorial.
5. Exercise for the learner¶
Further explore the footprints of the children around this SN Ia. Create a footprints plot similar to the one in Section 3.2.