Rendered tutorial notebooks

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Brief Description

NB 01. Introduction to DP02

Use the Jupyter Notebooks and Rubin python packages to access LSST data products.

NB 02a. Introduction to the TAP Service

Explore the DP0.2 catalogs with the TAP service.

NB 02b. Catalog Queries with TAP

Execute complex ADQL queries with the TAP service. Visualize catalog data sets.

NB 02c. Image Queries with TAP

Retrieve and display images using the ObsTAP service.

NB 03a. Image Display and Manipulation

Learn how to display and manipulate images using the LSST Science Pipelines.

NB 03b. Image Display with Firefly

Use the Firefly interactive interface for image data.

NB 03c. Big deepCoadd Cutout

Create a big cutout image which spans multiple patches and tracts.

NB 04a. Introduction to the Butler

Use the Butler to query DP0 images and catalogs.

NB 04b. Intermediate Butler Queries

Learn to discover data and apply query constraints with the Butler.

NB 05. Source Detection and Measurement

Manipulate images; measure sources; and extract, plot, and use object footprints.

NB 06a. Interactive Image Visualization

Image visualizations with the HoloViews and Bokeh open-source python libraries.

NB 06b. Interactive Catalog Visualization

Visualizations for large datasets with HoloViews, Bokeh, and Datashader.

NB 07a. DiaObject Samples

Identify a sample of time-variable objects of interest.

NB 07b. Variable Star Lightcurves

Use the DP0.2 catalogs to identify variable stars and plot their lightcurves.

NB 08. Truth Tables

Explore, retrieve, and compare data from the truth and measurement tables.

NB 09a. Custom Coadd

Create a custom “deepCoadd” using only a subset of the input visits.

NB 09b. Custom Coadd Sources

Detect and measure sources in a custom “deepCoadd” image.

NB 10. Deblender Data Products

Explore the footprints of parent and child objects.

NB 11. Working with User Packages

An example of how to install and set up user packages.

NB 12a. PSF Data Products

A demonstration of how to access calexp and deepCoadd PSF properties.

NB 12b. PSF Science Demo

Demonstration of the use of measured PSF properties in weak lensing analysis.

NB 13a. Image Cutout SciDemo

Demonstration of the use of the image cutout tool with a few science applications.

NB 14. Injecting Synthetic Sources

Inject artificial stars and galaxies into images.

NB 15. Survey Property Maps

Use the tools to visualize full-area survey property maps.

More tutorials coming soon!